Chapter 78

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I spend the next two weeks either in bed or cleaning

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I spend the next two weeks either in bed or cleaning. Honestly the house has never looked so clean. I hand Alex his coffee just before he leaves for work, he kisses me then says "you should try going out today." I freeze like a deer in headlights. Alex notices this and quickly adds "you could take Willow to the park."

Both of our eyes land on the little girl sitting in a high chair. "Sure." I say sighing heavily, the weight of grief still heavy on my shoulders. Alex kisses me again before going over and kisses Willow on the forehead. I smile at the interaction, watching both of their faces light up. "I should be back at 8 tonight." Alex continues "I was thinking Indian take out?" I nod my head.

He gives me a serious look "I love you." I stare at him for a moment before looking away "I love you too." I say and then Alex leaves for work. I sigh again, throwing the tea towel on the counter before looking over at my daughter. "Park time?" I ask and she gurgles a none response.

I change and have a shower before getting Willow ready. Once she is in her pushchair we head out to the park.


It's a nice day, Alex was right I do feel better from being outside. "Andy?" I hear someone call my name, I turn my head and see Meredith coming over to me, pushing her own stroller with Zola inside. "Hey Meredith." I greet before bending down and waving playfully at the child "hey Zo Zo."

The blonde sits down next to me, both our babies entertained by one another even though there is a bit of an age gap. "How you doing?" She asks me, I laugh pathetically, shaking my head as I do so. "That's all anyone wants to know." I say "my sister and niece died. I'm doing as well as I can." She nods, gently pushing her stroller.

"When Lexie died...." Meredith starts and I freeze up, I snap my head to her angrily. "You didn't just come out here for a walk did you?" I snap and she shakes her head giving me a soft look "Alex is worried. He wanted me to check on you." She admits.

I scoff, standing up and brushing myself off "Meredith your sister died in an accident. Mine was murdered, you don't understand what I'm going through so please don't pretend." I snap before heading off home. So much for it being nice outside.

On the way home however I change my mind and head for the hospital. Willow is asleep in her carrier and doesn't even stir when I take her from the car. I March into Owen's office, my entire body on fire with anger. "Andy!" He says with surprise, he puts his pen down from the paperwork he is signing.

I sit down opposite him and take a deep breath. "I want you to fire me." I say and this catches the man off gaurd. "Wha- what?" He asks in disbelief so I repeat "I want you to fire me." Owen scratches the back his neck hesitantly "why? Why would you want that?" He asks and I tap my foot impatiently.

"Look." I say harshly "the hospital is running out of money and you need to make cuts. There is no reason why me and Arizona have to be co heads the department. Fire me." Owen sighs, looks between me and my baby. "You're fired I guess?" He says sounding unsure.

I smile, satisfied, standing up Willow wakes. "Thanks Owen." I say before taking my leave. Ok my way out, Derek stops me. "What are you doing here?" He asks giving me a concerned look, I just smile innocently "No reason." He frowns deeper. "Is something wrong with Will?" He asks and I clutch her tightly to me. It's my turn to frown now "nothing is wrong with her." I reply tensely.

Derek puts his hands up in surrender "Ok Andy, I  was just asking." He says innocently. I glare and shove past him, seeing myself out.


When Alex gets home, he comes straight into the kitchen. "What's that lovely smell?" He asks "I thought we were ordering take out?" I shrug, carefully stirring the vegetables in the pan. "I stopped off at the grocery store on the way home." I tell him, although home from where I don't say.

He clears his throat and comes over to me "I heard you were at the hospital today." He says and I try to keep my expression calm. "You got spy's following me now?" I muse, trying to sound playful. Alex coughs in surprise "what?" He asks. I turn to face him "well I saw Meredith in the park today." I explain "she told me that you were worried about me?" Alex nods his head.

He moves to the counter and pours us both a glass of water. "I am, you've barely left the house in two weeks. You refuse to go back to work." I roll my eyes. "My sister died Alex. Sorry I can't snap my fingers and be magically better." I snap, loosing my temper. "You have a child to look after Andromeda." Alex snaps back angrily "a child who needs her mother to work so we can keep the damn roof over our heads."

I step back as though he has slapped me, I shake my head. I turn back to the food. "Me and Willow will have dinner here." I say slowly "then I will drive to see my mum. For a little while." Alex scoffs. "You can't be serious?" He asks and I nod my head. Still refusing to look at him I say "I need time to sort my thoughts out and I can't do that here."

I feel Alex's presence behind me "so you're just gonna run away. Again?" I swallow hard and nod my head.

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