The rabbit looks at them both again then out at the warden returning. "Your names?" He questions. "Donatello," "Leonardo, you can call me Leo," Leo sends him a flirtatious wink.

The rabbit looks at Leo and then Donnie. "Miyamoto Usagi. Get me out of here and get me Edgewing," He states before the guards dragged him away.

"Hey wait we weren't done here!" Donnie looks to the warden. "Where are they taking him?" He questions. "Your Japanese are you not? You know what they do with dishonourable samurai," The two became a few shades paler hearing this.

The warden invited them to watch the execution up in a private box Donnie sitting in a seperate chair next to the warden along with Leo who stood behind Donnie's chair looking below with a grim expression.

Below there was a crowd of prisoners being held back by the prison guards, in the centre of the area was a hangman's stage a noose hanging from the pillar and an executioner dragging the rabbit up even as he struggled.

"This is unfair! You let that rabbit go right now!" Donnie demands. "And why should I?" The pig Yokai questions dismissive. "We'll give you a hundred," Leo offers. "I'd give a hundred to watch him hang," Warden said watching the proceedings below.

"Any last requests?" The executioner questions the rabbit as he tightened the noose around the rabbits neck. "Yes, loosen the knot and let me go," Usagi answers with a charming smile. The executioner pauses considering the request before looking to his boss and calling out.

"Hey boss his last request is to let him go! Do we grant it?" The pig Yokai slaps their forehead as Leo laughs. "I love this guys humour," He said.

"Of course we don't let him go idiot!" Warden yells and the executioner slaps Usagi's head moving away waiting for his bosses command to pull the lever.

"We will give you five hundred pounds," Donnie said said desperately.

The warden pauses considering the offer given and looks to the two a slow grin spreading on his face as he leans towards the two.

"And what else? I am a lonely man and I do have a thing for pretty twins," he offers moving to touch Donnie's thigh, but Donnie tried biting the pig unfortunately missing his arm when the Yokai pulled away.

"Try that again with either of us and you'll loose your hand," Leo threatens a protective hand on his brother's shoulder even if Donnie did not need to protection. The prisoners laugh at the pig Yokai who growls yelling out.

"Do it!" "No!"

The executioner pulls the leaver and the rabbit falls, yet they mistimed the length of the rope so his neck didn't snap yet he was suffocating.

"Well now we get a show," the pig said as prisoners begged for him to be let go.

"He knows the way to Hamunaptra," Donnie said and the pig Yokai looks at him surprised. "This filthy rabbit?" He questions. "Let him go and we'll give you ten percent," Donnie said. "Sixty," "fifteen," Donnie bargains. "Fifty," the pig said as Usagi continues to strangle. "twenty" Donnie said hurriedly. "Forty-five," The pig said. "Thirty," Leo cut in. "Twenty-five," the warden said and they both yell. "Deal!" sharing a high three.

The warden realises his mistake but curses. "Augh fine!" He said about to call for them to cut the rope, but Leo had already taken out a dagger. He threw it at the rope cutting it and letting Usagi drop as he takes in a fresh gulp of air.

He looks up at the box seeing the smug purple kappa shaking a hand with the warden while the blue striped Kappa looks down at him with a teasing smirk.

Usagi groans and laid his head on the ground wondering if he should wish to be hanged once more or not.

"Well Usagi. Looks like you owe us one," Leo said smirking at the rabbit as they left the prison.

"Unfortunately my honour bounds me to do so," Usagi said though he did not seem happy about it at all. "I will take you both to Hamunaptra and back safely, but once that is done my debt is paid and done," Usagi said. "Granted you do know the location. If you don't than I hope you have the money to pay us back for the hotel room at the least," Donnie stated with his arms crossed and head held high.

Leo handed over a card along with a sizeable wad of money to Usagi. "That's a card with our details and the hotel we hooked you up at. It's under Hamato. The moneys if you wanted to get yourself something nice. Maybe a carrot cake to celebrate not being dead?" Leo suggests.

Usagi eyes the card and the wad of money handed to him. Looking back up he asks. "And Edgewing?" He questions. "You'll get your katana back in two days. We'll be meeting at the harbour where I've already arranged us to go by boat. We need incentive beyond your "honour" after all," Donnie explains.

"Please Don he's a samurai they take their honour seriously. Besides seeing this gorgeous face again is enough incentive if he needs it," Leo said sending Usagi a flirty wink.

Usagi gives him a dry expression. "Than I shall see you both then, and with my sword I would hope,"

And with that he turns and walks away.

"See ya soon cottontail!" Leo waves as the rabbit disappears in the crowd.

Donnie looks over at his brother annoyed. "Can you not do that," He said. "Do what?" Leo questions but the look on his face says he knows what his brother is talking about.

"Flirt with every single thing that moves," Donnie answers. "It got us into the prison didn't it?" Leo defends himself. Donnie rolls his eyes knowing he wasn't going to get through to Leo today.

"Annoyed sigh. This isn't the end of it. Let's go back to the hotel," Donnie said and the two walk off in the opposite direction.

"You stole that money from the warden didn't you?"

"And a few prison guards. I saw you do the same,"

"True, but I don't give my money away to peasants,"

"Ah right you hoard it like the greedy possessive turtle you are."


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