The Boat Ride

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"Yo Leo! If you find any exotic spices can you get them for me? Please please please!" Leo laughs on the phone with his little brother. "Of course Miguel already done!" Leo explains to his brother chatting it up.

Leo was at the docks with Donnie who was looking through his notes on his notebook and the map as well. It was a busy morning their luggage already on the boat in their private compartment while they just waited on Usagi showing up.

Leo had his own twin katanas strapped to his back just in case they ran into any trouble along with Edgewing safely in his hands.

"Why does it sound so busy where you are?" Raph questions also on the line and he sounded very suspicious.

"I decided to drag Donnie out of the dusty library for some fun on the town. Don't worry big guy before you freak out I'm keeping it PG thirteen and we'll be back at the hotel by sundown. You know what a prude Donnie is and this gorgeous face needs adequate beauty rest," Leo explains.

There's silence on the other end from the big bro, but Mikey decides to take the spotlight again.

"I wish you guys would get back already! I miss you both so much!" Mikey wails on one end. "Yeah it's been like scary quiet without you two around. Cass has tried being louder, but it's not the same," April adds whom was also on the phone.

"I know I miss you two sis, but I promise if we find a mummy I'll bring you back a arm M'Kay?" Leo asks checking out his nails.

"Nah I already got a severed arm. Bring me back a foot. Maybe a mummy's foot is the same as a rabbits foot Huh?" April jokes and Leo laughed.

"Yeah me and Don actually have a rabbit Yokai for a guide. We're just waiting for the guy to show up," Leo explains. "If he shows up. He's late," Donnie grumbles annoyed. "Tello anything later than fifteen minutes early is late to you," Leo teases. "Well being fifteen minutes early is a sign of respect he stated wisely," Donnie defends. "Says the guy who's always half a hour late to my seminars," Mikey's chiding voice came through.

"Me being late? To anything? Nope that has never happened," Donnie dismisses with a wave of his hand even though everyone knew it to be true.

"This guide he's a good guy right?" Raph questions. "Yeah Raph he came very highly regarded by the hotel. He's actually in exchange here from Japan so he's cool trust me," Leo said. "Hmm Raph's big brother senses are tingling," Raph said unsure.

"I promise boss man everything will be fine. We're just taking a day for Donnie to have some actual fun and we'll call you tomorrow I promise," Leo assures.

After some more silence Raph sighs. "Fine, but if you don't pick up the first try so help me I will find a way to portal over there myself," Raph warns them and Leo smiles. "Of course big bro love you. Anyway we gotta vamoose so love you all, love you Miguel, love you April, tell Pops to make the next call and to take a break from smooching the goat. Promise to bring you all something back," Leo said to them as Donnie snatches the phone with a robotic arm from his shell.

"I all don't detest you and I miss your presence now and until we reunite. I also wish to trade travel partners but that is too late to do so. Goodbye promise to bring back presents," Donnie said. The fam said goodbye before Donnie hung up.

"You really think you can build a cell tower all the way in a ancient city?" Leo questions his purple brother. "By Thomas Edison I will. We cannot let Raph have even a hint of what we're doing if we miss the call. Besides I am not relying solely on paper notes just because of a lacking in wifi," Donnie said. "Well if anyone can do it you can," Leo says before looking around.

"The boat is leaving soon!," Donnie complains. "Be patient Tello and worse comes to worse we got the map," Leo said. "Yeah the burned map you stomped your foot on like a western square dancer," Donnie said. "Oh would you rather the map or me to be set on fire if you could go back in time and switch it?" Leo asks. "You a hundred percent. I'd toss you in a volcano before even hearing the rest if it meant saving the map," Donnie answers without hesitation before scowling again as he looks around the port.

Samurais, Ninjas and.......... A MUMMY!?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz