"Hello," he said answering the call.

"Hello Sir. I am standing outside your hostel. There is a delivery for you," the man on the other side said.

Dilevery? But he did not order anything. Nevertheless, he went downstairs towards the hostel gate and found a man standing with a beautiful bouquet in his hand.

He realised almost immediately that it must be Aaradhya. He took the bouquet and went to his room. There was a card in it which said 'Sorry.' He was thankful that Anuj was not in the room now. Because he was blushing. He tried hard not to but failed. It was the first time someone has given him flowers. Usually he was the one to give it to girls. He had received many gifts in his life but most of them were gadgets or electronic devices.

Not that he was complaining. He found it cute and kept the bouquet in his almirah. But he was not going to give up this easily. He was hurt by Aaradhya's behaviour that day. He don't want to face something like that again. He was sure that he cannot be 'just friends,' with Aaradhya. And if their relationship has to grow he has to ensure that she will stand with him when needed.


Abhimanyu sat on the last bench in the class as usual. He sat in the middle bench when he wanted to sit with Aaradhya but from the last few days he preferred sitting at last only.

"Anuj would you please exchange your seat with me?" came a voice he knows too well.

"Ye.. Yeah?" he said looking at Abhi and Ishita.

He wanted Abhi to say something but Abhi behaved like he did not listened anything.

"I said can I please exchange the seat with you?" she asked again a little louder.

"Ok," he said quietly getting up.

As Ishita was about to come and sit there, Aaradhya appeared from nowhere and sat beside Abhi.

"What the... Aaradhya I asked him to get up. I want to sit there," Ishita said.

"I need to discuss some topics with him. You can sit with him tomorrow," Aaradhya said in a sweet tone.

"Abhi tell her to get up. I was the one to ask Anuj to get up. I also want to discuss something," Ishita said looking at him.

She has promised herself that she will not run after him anymore but she observed that Aaradhya and Abhi were not in good terms from the last few days. So what's the harm in trying once.

Aaradhya looked at Abhi with a challenging gaze.

"Sorry Ishita. We will discuss whatever you want after the class," Abhi said looking at her.

Ishita did not say anything and left. Aaradhya smiled satisfactorily.

"Why did you do that?" Abhi asked.

"What?" Aaradhya asked.

"You knew she wanted to sit here," he said.

"So? Let me be very clear Abhimanyu. I don't like it when you talk to her. Even a blind can see that she likes you. I have no rights to tell her to stay away from you. But you better stay away from her. Atharva too sits alone. Hope you understand," she said and left as the professor entered. She went to sit with Tanu for the rest of the class.

What did she just do? Did she indirectly tell Abhi that she has rights on him. And did she wanted to make him jealous by taking Atharva's name. Whatever it was, Abhi liked it. He did not show it but he loved this Aaradhya. This was the confidence he needed to see in her. He tried not to smile but found himself smiling for the rest of the class.


"What are you doing here?" Yuvraj asked as he opened the door of his flat. He was shocked to see Tanu, standing with some fruits in her hand.

"I heard you were not well, so I thought to.... you know..... visit you," she said awkwardly.

She did not find him today in the orphanage today. So she asked the other volunteers about him. They told her he was having a fever. She has been restless till then. She wanted to see him immediately. She literally ran towards his flat after returning from the orphange.

"There was no need for this. I can manage," Yuvraj said gesturing her to come inside.

"It's not a problem. I was free so I thought to visit you," she said.

"Ok. You want anything. Tea, coffee ?" he asked.

"No! You are not well. You should rest," she said. As she kept the fruits on the table the bell rang. Yuvraj went and came after five minutes with some packed things.

"What's this?" she asked.

"Pizza. You want to eat it?" he asked.

"Pizza? Why would you order that when you are not well?" she asked.

"Act... Actually, my cook is on leave for two days and I did not felt like cooking. So..." he said scratching his head.

"So, you ordered this? Are you an idiot? You are a medical student yourself. Don't you know how unhealthy it is," she said.

"Yeah, Sorry," he said sitting on the sofa. He has no power to argue with her now. He was sick and hungry.

He started unpacking the food to eat it. He has to eat his medicines after that too.

"Are you deaf too? I just said you cannot eat it," Tanu said taking it away from him.

"I am feeling tired. I don't want to cook. Give it back," he said.

"I'll cook something for you. Wait," she said running towards the kitchen.

He followed her immediately.

"You don't need to do that, Tanu. I think you should leave. I am used to this live like this," Yuvraj said stopping her. He don't want anyone to help him. He has been living like this and he can keep living like this.

"Then change your lifestyle," Tanu said opening the refrigerator and taking out the vegetables.

"I don't like changes. Keep that back and leave. I'll manage," he said again.

"It's your problem if you don't like changes. Just accept it. And I won't poison you. Go and sit there quietly. You eat capsicum, right?" she asked picking up a knife.

"Don't add too much pepper," he said and left accepting his defeat.

It was impossible to stop this girl from doing what she wants. Though he did not wanted her to help him but somewhere he liked it.

After twenty minutes he was served with chappatis and fried potato capsicum. The taste was good. After he was finished eating, she gave him his medicines and asked him not to order anything from outside. She told him, she will come again tomorrow morning and cook the breakfast. He denied and she denied his denial.

After she left, Yuvraj found himself falling a little more for her. He don't remember when anyone has shown this much care for him last time. He just wondered how he got so lucky to meet a girl like Tanu in this life.

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