22. We'll be ok

409 11 5

Angel dust

“Why does it matter where your doll goes?” I scoff, moving it a little to the right. “That’s the first doll papa gave me, he said it belonged to grandma!” She yells. “Sweetpea, your grandma was born in 1891 and this doll is creepy as hell.”

“It’s special, besides I’m not going to see him for a while.” My eyes widened in shock. “Sweetpea, where did you hear that?” I laugh nervously. “I saw the news at the hotel.” I sigh, this is going to be hard to explain.

“Does papa love us?” She asks. “Of course he does, your papa just made a bad choice.” I growl. “Do you still love him?” I freeze at the question. “I think a part of me always will.” I sigh before continuing.

“I don’t want what he did to affect your relationship with him ok? He made a stupid mistake but he loves you probably more than he loved me.” I laugh. “Do you think he still loves you?” I turn to face her. 

“What’s with all these questions, you should be sleeping. It's 3 in the morning, even I’m struggling to stay up.” I laugh, sitting next to her in bed. “Grandma did a good job fixing the place didn’t she?”

“Yeah..do you think she likes papa anymore?” She asks. “Oh definitely not.” I laugh. “You better get some sleep.” I get up, walking out of the room. I look in my wallet, great $20 what am I supposed to do with that!?

I guess I could have mama babysitting while I go look for a job. I sit on the edge of my bed, head in my hands. Albert wouldn’t have done that without a reason would he? 


“Thanks again mama I don’t know what I would do without you.” I laugh as Tracy runs into my arms not wanting me to leave. “Oh please, I love spending time with this little angel.” She laughs, practically pulling Tracy out of my arms. 

“Ok we don’t have much food right now just give Fat Nuggets whatever leftovers there are after Tracy eats and no leaving her alone with any scissors last time was a disaster. I should be home by 7 at the latest.”

“Anthony, I raised your brother. I think I can handle Tracy for a few hours. Good luck out there!” She yells as I close the door behind me. This is going to be such a pain in the ass.


“So Anthony Raffo? Tell me about yourself, your personal life and any prior work experience.” I stop playing with my hair, sitting up straight and taking a deep breath in. Why couldn’t someone just pick me up off the street like Val did!?

“I’m 28 years old and have a 6 year old daughter and pet pig. I’ve worked in the sex industry before so I know what to expect, I’m gay but I’m willing to sleep with women for extra money but will charge more for my effort.”

He nods, flipping through the paperwork. “Ok and this is your address?” He asks, placing a paper in front of me and tapping it with his pen. I read over it before nodding. “I never did think anyone would buy that house again.”

He looks up from the papers in front of him. “I don’t know if you’ve heard but that house used to belong to a mafia boss, Mr Frank Russo.” I frown at the mention of papa, nice to know he left a lasting impact here I’ll make sure to tell him that if I ever see him again.

“Rumor has it his son Anthony Russo was dating Albert Blanc before Anthony’s  father killed him. Years later multiple bodies would be dug up from Alberts backyard and the woods surrounding his house, it isn’t that far from where you live actually.”

“Oh really, well I’ll make sure to keep my daughter away from there, wouldn’t want her gettin’ hurt.” I laugh nervously. “Yes well, everything looks in order, what's the earliest you can start?’ He asks, my face lighting up, yeah I don’t want to go back to sex work but if it’ll keep a roof over Tracy’s head then it’s fine with me.

“Next week, I have to find a more permanent babysitter.” I laugh. “Ok then we’ll be seeing you next week, 10 pm it 6 am sound good to you?” I nod, grabbing my bag and getting up. “Thank you Mr..” I pause realizing I forgot his name. So much for a good first impression.

“Fernàndez but you can call me Tomàs.” He laughs. “And if you don’t mind I would love to possibly take you out to dinner sometime. If you’re up to it that is.” He laughs, getting up and opening the door for me. I pause before walking out.

“I don’t really know, I mean I just got out of a relationship.” I laugh nervously. “Just take all the time you need and think about it?” I nod at him. “Have a good night!” He yells as I start walking back home.


“Oh Anthony, I'm so happy for you!” My mama yells as she hugs me. “Mama please calm down, I said I was gonna think about it.” I laugh, taking a sip of my tea. “I know Anthony but oh just look at how handsome you are no wonder he asked you out.” She laugh, cupping my cheek in her hand.

“You’re sayin’ that because I look just like ya aren’t you?” I laugh. “Yes but you’re also very handsome on your own sweetie.” She laughs, putting a dirty plate in the sink. “I don’t know, it just feels too soon. Besides I have Tracy and Fat Nuggets and you, that’s all I’ll ever need.”

“Well it doesn’t need to be right this second, he said take all the time you need. You have time to think about it and if it’s a no then he just has to accept that.” I sigh, holding my head in my hands.

“Why did things get so complicated?!” I groan, feeling completely stressed out. “Listen I may have been a little rude towards Albert, but I just wanted to protect my baby. I'm sure he’s a good guy but what he did wasn’t ok.”

“It’s alright mama I know you just wanted what's best. I just wish things had been different like I dunno. Albert telling me about it instead of me finding out from the news and even worse from that bitch Katie Killjoy.” 

“She isn’t very well liked is she?” She teases. “No she isn’t not unless you’re one of her minions or some divorced 40 year old alcoholic.” I laugh, finally looking up at my mama. “I’m thinkin’ maybe I’ll go out to dinner with him.”

“See that’s the spirit! Get back out there Anthony, and if you don’t like it then you don’t have to do it again maybe it shouldn’t even be a date, just two friends going out casually.” She laughs, turning on the water and starting to wash the dishes.

“Thanks for helpin’ us mama I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.” I laugh. “Oh Anthony, you know I’ll always help you and Tracy.” I sigh, just being happy with how everything is going.

“I’m glad I can be with you now, you have no idea how much I missed ya growin’ up even if I hadn’t met ya before.” I laugh, wiping the tears from my eyes. “I missed you too Anthony.”


FINALLY got this last chapter done. You guys have no idea now painful it was to write this chapter with this headache I've been having for DAYS now. Releasing this chapter early because I'm nice. Love ya <3

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