13. Mama

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Angel dust

"Well that's the handsome face I remember and love!" Mrs. Blanc laughs, looking over at my grave. "If I had known I could get a human disguise I would've done this a long time ago."

"Yeah well now we both know, and I get to see this precious face again." She laughs, summoning a photo album and flipping through the pages for a while before stopping. 

"Here look at this one." Mrs. Blanc laughs, handing me the photo album. "Oh my..is that you!?" I squeal, bringing the photo album closer. 

"Yeah, I was a cute kid. Albert was far more adorable, thankfully getting most of my features." I smirk, remembering just how hideous Albert's father was. 

"You have any baby photos of Albert?" I tease, truly hoping I can see his baby pictures. "Oh many, so many I ending up breaking the camera!" She laughs, turning to another page and pointing at a picture. 

I look at it, noticing her holding a new born baby along with a picture of a toddler. "Oh my gosh he's absolutely adorable! I hope our kid looks just like him! " 

"As much as I would love that I'd like them to look like you, you're such a handsome young man." She laughs, pinching my cheeks. Our bonding time gets interrupted by a bright light coming from the sky, blinding the both of us. 

There's whispering, sounds like Italian but it's so quiet I couldn't understand it at all. "Izzy what have I told you!? Ya can't keep comin' down here or to hell people are talkin' and-.. "

This angel, she's blonde hair with blue eyes, pale skin, rosy cheeks wearing a baby blue dress with the same feathery wings Mrs. Blanc has but instead being black.

"Oh Mary you know me I can't stay away from your son he's just so precious!"

Tears spring to my eyes as she sits on her knees in front of me, bringing a hand up and cupping my cheek. Running her thumb over my cheek a few times. 

She smiles, laughing as tears stream down her cheeks, pulling me into a tight hug. "Oh my sweet baby boy! You have no idea how much I've missed you!" She cries, running her fingers through my hair. 

I don’t say anything, just hug her as tears finally leave my eyes. “Hi mama.” I cry, having trouble believing this is actually happening. “Oh look at you, you’ve grown to be so handsome. Oh how are your sister and brother?”

“Molly is fine, she’ll be here soon, me and Frank aren’t exactly on speakin’ terms though.” I laugh, really hoping she doesn’t ask about pops. “Oh well I wouldn’t expect you to be, not after everything he did to you.” 

“Wait, you saw all that!?” I yelled, worried about what else she saw. “I saw everything, you didn’t think I wasn’t going to watch over you and your siblings did you!?” She frowns.

“I mean no, but you saw everything he and pops did to me?” She frowns at the mention of Pops. “Yes and when I get my hands on you papa I’m gonna kill him. He had one job and he failed and he lied to me too. I should have listened to Elizabeth.” 

“He lied to you?” I ask, not having any idea what he lied about. “Yes, when I married him he had left the mafia, never told me a thing about it. That’s why my wings are black because I married him. He killed hundreds if not thousands of people, some of which you could argue deserved it, others completely innocent and then to abuse you and drag you and your siblings into that life, he means nothing to me now.”

My eyes widened in shock, he had never mentioned ever leaving the mafia. He hardly talked about mama anyway, only ever mentioning her when blaming me for her death. “Anthony you haven’t spoken to your papa either have you?”

I shake my head. “No, Molly only talks to him occasionally. Last time I even saw him was at Molly's house, I think it’s been almost 6 months-?” She lets out a sigh of relief, visibly relaxing. “I’m just glad you don’t have to see him again.”

“Yeah, I went a while where I wasn’t allowed to talk to Molly either. She had only just reached out to me a few days before I went to her place.” I laugh, playing with the grass. “Oh ok..so any grandkids?” She smirks as my face turns a bright red.

“Molly has a kid and I..well..” I laugh nervously as I remove the hoodie I was wearing over my dress, revealing the bump, her face lighting up. “Oh my, Elizabeth, your son got my son pregnant!? Why didn’t you say anything!?”

Me and Mrs. Blanc burst out laughing at her reaction. “I wanted him to tell you! I knew you were gonna break and come down here at some point!” 


“Samantha be careful!” Molly yells as the small girl runs through the woods, clearly excited to be here. “That girl is going to hurt herself.” Adam scoffs. “She most likely won’t hurt herself where we're going, there aren't many rocks there.”

“Grandma!” I hear the girl yell in the distance, clearly happy. “Grandma? What could that be about?” Molly asks, looking over at me and Adam. “Don’t look at me, I have no idea.” Adam laughs nervously, clearly still terrified of his wife after whatever it was she did when they left my house a few nights ago.

“Whatever it is she's never met either of her grandmas so I have no idea who shes talkin’ to.” Molly laughs, although I can notice Adams hand clearly growing sore from how tight she is holding it. 

He smiles at me nervously, sweat running down his forehead. A clear call for help but I just smile right back at him without a word.

We all stop in our tracks, noticing another angel with Anthony and my mother, them all laughing and playing with Samantha. I’m about to go up and ask whats going on when Molly goes running in their direction.



Family reunion, all we need is shitty Arackniss and Henroin to ruin it all >:) Sorry there wasn't much Alastor this chapter but theres gonna be a bit more of him and Adam next chapter. Love ya <3

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