7. Lies

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NSFW haha.

Angel dust

I shove Alastor back onto the bed, him letting out a yelp. "Anthony darling, you don't need to do this." Him letting out a groan. "Shut up Albert." I growl as I begin to undress, facing away from Albert. I stare back just as my dress falls to the ground, the only clothing remaining being my bra and panties, noticing Albert staring. I figure it would be fun to tease him a bit.

"You sure seem to be enjoying this." I tease, slowly approaching the bed. "Anthony..please." His breathing heavy as I crawl onto him. "Just relax Albert, let me take care of you." I nibble on his neck, Albert releasing low groans every once in a while.

I hear the sound of him snapping his fingers, both me and him being undressed in the blink of an eye. I back away a little, looking at his chest and the scars covering it. "Someone can't wait can he?" I tease while crawling down to his erection. I grab it, my hand going from base to tip, precum already pooling at the tip.

"Anthony.." He moans, practically thrusting into my hand. I kiss all over his length, base to tip. I just barely put the tip in my mouth, sucking gently. I slowly put it all in my mouth, the tip meeting the back back of my throat causing me to let out a quiet moan.

Humming I keep sucking him off, Albert continuing to let out low groans, like music to my ears. His hands grabbed fistfuls of my hair, forcing my head down one last time as he released down my throat, me swallowing every drop of his cum.

I crawl back up to him, our foreheads pressing together. "Anthony..what about you?" I look into his eyes before answering. "I'm fine Albert..don't worry about me." Me breathing against his neck. "Please Anthony..let me take care of you like you take care of me." That sent me over the edge.

I pull him into a passionate kiss, him being tense at first before relaxing. Flipping us over so he is on top of me he trails kisses down my neck, causing me to let out quiet moans.


I slowly guide the tip of my erection to his tight wet hole. Slowly I push just enough so the tip is in, stopping for a few seconds, catching my breath before sliding all the way in, Anthony letting out a long whine.

I breath heavily against his neck, taking a few seconds before pulling back out and in. Anthony all the while letting out his cries of pleasure. "A-.Albert please.." He pants, his bottom set of arms grabbing at my ass, pulling me closer to him so I slide in deeper.

I thrust into him hard, him wrapping his arms around my neck and releasing a loud moan. Soon I start going at a rapid pace, Anthony continuing to moan, whine, yelp. Anything to let me know he was getting the satisfaction he desired.

"A-Albert!" Anthony arching his back as I reach my climax, releasing inside of him with one last thrust. I fall next to him in bed, his arms still around my neck, his second set of arms wrapping around my waist.

We lay there for a while, our breathing heavy, us trying to catch our breaths. "Thank you..Anthony." I turn to face him, grabbing his hand and stroking the back of it with my finger. He doesn't say anything, just rests his head on my chest.

"Why are there scratches on your neck and waist?" My breathing hitches, eyes widening in shock. "It's nothing darling." I laugh nervously, knowing that wasn't going to convince him.

"Albert I'm not fallin' for your bullshit lie what happened." What am I supposed to tell him!? I can't tell him the truth. "A cat got to me." He gets on top of me, looking me in the eyes. "A cat got to your waist and neck? Albert, I'm not stupid."

A few seconds of silence follow, me not knowing what to say. "Fine, I'm sleepin' on the couch tonight." He grabs a robe and blanket and leaves the room, slamming the door behind him.

Tears sting my eyes, remembering that horrid night spent with Lucifer. The way he had me handcuffed to his bed, every painful moment while he got his way with me.

Never in a million years did I think I'd ever go this far for someone, but Anthony is worth every second of misery. What excuse am I going to come up with!? Maybe he'll just forget about this.

Angel dust

"Angie, I'm telling you he's keeping something from you!" Cherri yells through the phone, almost blowing out my eardrums. "I mean yea I know but what the hell am I supposed to do about it, he won't tell me what's going on. Just when I thought things were getting better." I groan.

"I never did trust him, he's the radio demon after all." She grumbles. "Yeah but he's also my Albert, I trust him..sorta." He can't blame me for not trusting him entirely. I mean he's already kept secrets from me.

"I say you dump him, hell changes people for the worst Angie, maybe he's not as trustworthy as he was before." I let out a sigh. "It's not as easy as that Cherri. He's the father of my child. I wanna at least try and make this work, for the baby at least."

"If that fucker hurts you again I'll blow his brains out." She laughs. "Yeah ok Cherri, I gotta sleep now goodnight." I laugh, hanging up and snuggling fat nuggets before falling asleep


Ok first off.

Thank you guys for 1.04k read on "Life After Sin" You guys are amazing and the reason I do this so thank you <3

Update on summer school though, I finish August 8, however I have my final that day and its going to be my moms 45 birthday so there most likely won't be a chapter that day sorry.

Again thank you guys for all the support on "Life After Sin" Love ya <3

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