17. Growing up

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Angel dust

“Albert, you got the list right? We gotta leave soon. I really don’t want to drive home in the rain.” I yell, picking Tracy up and taking her outside. “I don’t either darling but yes I have the list!” He yells from inside the house. 

“Mama, why did you put shopping off until the last minute?”  I frown at Tracy’s question. “I didn’t put it off, I was just really busy.” I scoff, fastening her seatbelt. “More like busy baking.” She laughs, only making me frown more.

“Well you weren’t complaining with all the cookies I made you and your little friends this summer now were you?” I tease, sitting next to her and fastening my seatbelt. “Can we go to the park after? Shopping is boring.” She complains.

“Sorry sweetpea, not today it’s gonna rain. How about I get you a new doll? You popped the head off your old one.” I laugh, remembering when she ran to me the body and little head in her hands.

“It was Fat Nuggets fault, he wanted to play tug of war.” She pouts, Fat Nuggets snorting in protest. “Hey it’s fine, besides you’ve been good lately so I’d say you both deserve a new toy.” I laugh just as Albert gets into the car.

“Y’know for someone who really doesn’t want to drive in the rain you took an awfully long time.” I tease as he starts the car. “Apologies for the wait I had misplaced the keys.” He laughs as it starts raining.

I groan, realizing I had forgotten to bring an umbrella. “We’ll be fine my dear, we’re going shopping, we can worry about the rain later.” I roll my eyes at that. “I know but you know how some demons get when it rains.”

“And I won’t let anything happen to you guys, besides they wouldn’t dare try and harm you while you're with me.” He laughs, static surrounding us. “Yeah not unless they have a second death wish.” I laugh, Tracy holding Fat Nuggets in her hands.



“Tracy darling, please just make a choice.” I beg as she places another doll back on the shelf. “This is important papa. I can't choose the wrong doll, what will the girls at school think.” She scoffs. “Darling this shopping trip has already lasted an hour and you need to take a bath later.”

She stares down at the ground frowning. “So that’s what this is about? The bath? How about we use a bath bomb? Would that make you feel better?” I ask, patting her head. “That is a good compromise and I accept.” She laughs, finally grabbing a doll and reaching up to hold my hand.

“Try not to give you mama a hard time, ok? He has a lot on his plate right now, the last thing he needs to worry about is the struggle of getting you in the bath.” She nods and we walk back to the checkout where Anthony is waiting. 

“Sweet Lucifer, what took you two so long? I’ve been waitin’ for over 5 minutes now.” Anthony laughs, taking the doll from Tracy. “Someone couldn’t make up her mind.” I tease, putting the doll into a bag.

“You’re six years old, how important could a doll really be?” He laughs, picking up most of the bags with his hands. “Apparently very important if it took her that long.” I laugh, winking at Tracy, her grinning right back at me.

“Yeah well next time try and hurry it up fuckin’ acid rain started up again.”


“Tracy bath time!” I hear Anthony yell, coming down stairs to look for Tracy. “Where the fuck could that girl be? You haven’t seen her Al?” I shake my head, not bothering to look up from my newspaper. “Tracy you gotta get to bed soon!” Anthony yells, stepping into the kitchen.

I look up from my newspaper to make sure he’s gone. “Tracy we had an agreement.” I state blankly. “I don’t wanna though!” She yells, stomping her feet. So much for having a child that wouldn’t throw tantrums.

“There you are Tracy we gotta get you in the bath.” He laughs, picking her up. “Make sure to use a bath bomb, we had a little agreement.” I call out as they go upstairs. 

Angel dust

“Mama, how did you and papa meet?” Tracy asks as she turns the water on to let the tub fill. “We met at a park in the 1930’s.” I explain as I put a hand under the water to make sure it’s not too cold or warm.

“You and papa are old.” She laughs, struggling to take off her dress. “That was only over 90 years ago, it's not that long.” I laugh, helping her get her dress off. “Does that mean you and papa are over 90?” She asks, as she steps into the tub.

“Not really, after a human dies they don’t age anymore sweetpea. Your papa died when he was 22 so he’s still 22.” I explain, reaching into a cabinet and grabbing a bath bomb. “How old are you then?”

“I’m 36 sweetpea, your papa just acts like an old man.” I laugh, handing her the bath bomb while I look for a towel. “Is it true it doesn't rain acid in the living world?” She asks, handing me the shampoo.

“Why all these questions? You never cared about the living world before.” I laugh, putting shampoo in my hands and starting to wash her hair. “We’re learning about it in school.” 

“Really? I didn’t think they would bother even tellin’ you about it.” I laugh.




I’m in bed reading a book when I hear my phone ding. Anthony forced me to get one after saying the school would need a “proper” way of contacting me. I don’t see the issue with mirrors, they work just the same.


You missed our last session, care to explain why?

I roll my eyes, already tired of him and this blasted phone.


I was spending the day with Angel and our daughter.


So that's how you want to do this? Fine, this Friday we'll be spending all day together. No excuses.

I place my phone down as Anthony walks into the room wearing an oversized t-shirt and shorts. “Who are you texting?” He asks, practically jumping into bed. “A business partner, listen Anthony I’m going to be out for most of Friday. I have important business to attend to.” 

“What the hell do you mean you have to go out Friday!? Albert, you know Tracy has her school recital that day! Can’t you put it off until Saturday?” Anthony yells. “I’m sorry my dear but this is extremely important, it can't be put off.”

“More important than your daughter!? Albert, do you even hear yourself right now!? You already missed her play a few weeks ago, that girl was heartbroken. Giving her dolls can only make her forgive you so much!” 

“That's not what I’m saying Anthony, I take no joy in missing these important moments in her life. This can’t be put off any longer. I already put it off last week!” I yell, placing my book on the nightstand.

“Fine, you can go sleep on the couch tonight.” He yells, grabbing a pillow and blanket and shoving me out of the room, slamming the door behind me followed by the sound of the lock clicking. I sigh, this is going to be a long night.


Sorry for not updating as much haha. Again this headache just won’t leave me alone but I’ve also been stressed lately so I’m trying to take a small step back, don’t work the rest of the chapters will be out before summer ends for me. Love ya <3

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