A Trip to the Eiffel Tower

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"Sergio are you okay?" Luka asked as Sergio slowly awoke with his head feeling like it was under water. Luka was sitting on the couch next to him only a foot away.

"You're back," Sergio tried to stand but his legs wobbled.

"I'm sorry I just let myself in," Luka apologized.

"It's your apartment too," Sergio responded quietly sitting back down.

"Yeah," Luka let out a shaky laugh.

"Can I ask why our apartment smells so weird?" Luka questioned looking down at Sergio. Sergio closed his eyes and laid down no longer able to keep up the facade that he was well.

"Sergio?" Luka had heard no response.

"Because I was smoking," Sergio's statement was filled with shame for what he had done. Luka sat backed stunned not only was he sad that Sergio resorted to something like that but he was disappointed in himself. Luka felt that if he had been there then Sergio would have never resorted to the usage of something so vulgar.

"It's okay. Don't feel bad about yourself," Luka said still distanced from Sergio.

"Thank you," Sergio replied in a whisper.

He forced himself to sit up to question Luka, "Why'd you come back?" Sergio was obviously excited that Luka came back but he needed to know where he'd been.

"I went back to Croatia for a week or so. As soon as I decided I needed to speak with my parents," Luka cringed at the memory.

"When I got there my mom shunned me out but eventually my father had let me in. They just kept yelling at me telling me that what I was doing was wrong. At some point I realized that I didn't care about what they were saying and that I needed to defend you," Luka paused his long explanation.

"What I'm trying to say is I want to be with you and I want to keep our relationship going. I don't care about what everyone else is saying or is going to say," Luka bravely finalized.

"Sergio is that okay?" Luka asked because Sergio hadn't moved he was just sat in shock.

"Um...yes obviously," Sergio lunged at Luka nod hugged him tightly. Luka half shocked wrapped his arms firmly around Sergio.

"You're not mad?" Luka had tears in his eyes.

"No. It was my fault you left," Sergio refused to let Luka go.

"But I still left," Luka admitted.

"You came back," Sergio replied strongly. He wanted Luka to know that yes it made him sad that Luka left, but he was overjoyed with the fact that Luka returned. He kissed Luka as if it was the end of the world. Sergio's hand travelled into Luka's hair as his tongue parted Luka's lips. Luka straddled Sergio's waist deepening their prolonged kiss.

"Wait," Sergio mumbled as Luka brought his hand to Sergio's pants.

"Yes?" Luka voice was irresistible to Sergio and he was struggling concentrate with Luka on his lap.

"Nevermind," Sergio tried to kiss Luka again.

"What's wrong?" Luka pulled away noticing the stress on Sergio's face.

Sergio swallowed roughly, "I got into a fight with Ancelotti and I need to tell you something."

"Oh my god. What happened?" Luka held Sergio's face in concern.

"Luka I don't want to ruin the mood," Sergio shook his head trying to lean back in to kiss Luka.

"You won't be able to relax. I know you," Luka scolded Sergio.

"He's transferring me to Paris Saint-Germian," Sergio got the sentence out quickly.

"No," Luka could not believe what he heard.

"Luka," Sergio hugged Luka feeling the wave of sadness hit him.

"It's not true," Luka cried into Sergio's shoulder. Sergio soothed Luka as best as he could by rubbing Luka's back.

"Luka look at me," Sergio grabbed Luka's attention,

"Even if I was further away I'm still going to love you. When you were gone I couldn't stop thinking about you. I know that wherever I am, I'm going to want you. Luka I can't live without you," Sergio felt vulnerable saying it out loud. Luka sat back completely stunned he'd never heard Sergio speak so freely on his emotions.

"You can't live without me?" Luka asked more to himself.

"Of course I can't Luka. I love you too much," Sergio explained.

"I love you too. I'm not going to let you go I hope you know that," Luka leaned down and kissed Sergio hotly.

"All your shifting around in my lap has made me horny," Sergio whispered into Luka's ear sending shivers down his back.

Not giving Luka a chance to respond Sergio pulled him back in for hungry kisses. Sergio felt like every touch would send him over the edge and Luka would never feel the end of it.

He'd missed everything about Luka not just his body but his voice and his way of speaking. Everything that Luka did, Sergio admired and he wanted to show Luka exactly that. He flipped Luka onto his back now seeing the pink tint that spread across Luka's cheeks.

"Tell me no one touched you in Croatia," Sergio pleaded as he kissed Luka's neck.

Luka tangled his hands in Sergio's hair his voice came out a whimper, "I'm yours. My body and heart they're yours." Sergio couldn't take it anymore he pulled off their clothes rapidly needing to take Luka as soon as possible.

But Sergio held himself back understanding that Luka wasn't prepared and that if he went in right now it wouldn't be enjoyable for Luka.

He turned Luka on his back and brought out his tongue gently licking Luka's entrance. Luka gasped having not expected the feeling, he sighed, "Sergio."
Sergio teased Luka bringing his tongue in and out and occasionally flicking it.

"I want you Sergio," Luka begged his plead coming out as a whine.

"You're not ready Luka," Sergio mumbled not lifting his head though his patience was running thin. With Luka shaking and whining for him, Sergio could no longer hold back.

"Fuck it," Sergio swore before slamming into Luka.

Luka screamed his back arching as he took all of Sergio. Sergio held Luka's hips holding Luka up to slam deeply in him.

"Yes Sergio!" Luka's voice echoed in the room, "Just like that!" Sergio threw back his head enjoying every single movement. He didn't want to let Luka go he felt that the second this was over he'd have to face the reality.

He was leaving and he'd be without the love of his life. For now he decided to focus on the sweet feeling of releasing. Luka kissed Sergio's cheek as they laid down together on the couch.

"I almost forgot," Sergio began, "My parents want to meet you. The real reason Sergio had forgotten was because of the weed but he didn't need to remind Luka.

"They know about us? About all of our relationship?" Luka questioned.

"Yeah they're dying to meet you," Sergio said with a grin.

"Really?" Luka asked looking at Sergio star eyed.

"Of course. They want to meet who I want to spend the rest of my life with," Sergio smiled widely.

"You're gonna make me cry," Luka looked away.

"Please don't cry Luka," Sergio said whilst he hugged Luka.

"I'm just happy Sergio," Luka tried to reassure Sergio.

"Good," Sergio stated firmly, "Because they're gonna love you just as much as I do." Luka knew that within Sergio he had found a new family and that he'd finally get the acceptance that he craved.

Authors Notice: One chapter left and then it will be my Authors Note!!

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