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Once Sergio had actually gotten out of bed he head out for practice. He paused on his walk at the sight of a candy shop in front of him.

'What am I thinking?' Sergio thought to himself. He walked into the store looking at the nice old Spanish man.

"Hola senior," Sergio greeted the man in a friendly way.

"Buen partido que jugasteis ayer pena lo qué pasó con ese de athleti," He replied back. Sergio's body got rigged as he remembered what he had done for Luka.

"Eh gracias," he quickly tried to refocus on his purpose for coming in which only made him struggle even more.

"Venden dulces de Croatia?" Sergio asked the man.

"Croatia?" The man began to laugh in surprise. "Si pero sólo tengo una option," He explained looking on the shelves.

'He likes any kind of Croatian candy,' Christiano's words rang in Sergio's head.

"Krinos Ouzu, para 30," The old man bargained. Sergio knew it was expensive for candy but he didnt care considering he had just made a lot of money due to his signing for Real.

"Me llevo unas tres bolsas," Sergio told the man who smiled happily. Once he paid he decided he'd jog to get there on time. When he finally got to the practice sight he scanned the field looking for Luka.

"Who are you looking for?" Nacho asked.

"What the fuck?" Sergio swore loudly as he was startled by Nacho seemingly coming out of nowhere.

"Dude you look like you've seen a ghost," Nacho laughed.

"Yeah you're so funny," Sergio rolled his eyes.

"So who are you looking for?" Nacho asked again.

"Luka. Have you seen him?" Sergio asked.

"No but you could always wait by his locker," Nacho suggested. A lightbulb went off in Sergio's head, he placed a bag of the candies in his locker without letting anyone see and scurried off. When he saw Luka on the field the image of him moaning softly flashed through his head.

His breathe caught in his throat as he shook the thought away. He tried to keep his head screwed on but he kept on imagining Luka's heavy breathing and it threw him off. He let out a large sigh of relief as practice let out and he could go home and try to sort his thoughts out better.

"We walking home together?" Sergio asked Nacho.

"Yeah sounds good," Nacho replied.

"You mind if I join?" Christiano asked.

"Go ahead," Sergio replied and Nacho shrugged his shoulders cooly.

"Luka you want to come?" Christiano yelled at Luka who was opening his locker. Christiano winked at Sergio thinking he was doing the defender a solid but instead messing up his head even more.

Luka eyed the group that waited for him and replied back questionably, "Sure." That voice, it was doing bad things to Sergio. Luka opened his locker and saw the candy his eyes widening and a big grin plastering his face.

Sergio began to smile involuntarily, 'I've never seen him smile like that.'

"What are you smiling at Luka?" Christiano asked glancing over at Sergio.

"Someone left candy in my locker," He explained quietly, as he put them in his bag.

"I wonder who that could be," Nacho stated quickly catching on.

"Do you know?" Luka asked star eyed. A fluttery feeling filled Sergio's stomach at how genuine Luka seemed.

"Yeah I wonder who," Christiano said mockingly.

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