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Sergio is 19 years old and he has officially signed for Real Madrid. He loves winning and nothing else has ever mattered to him. No girl, no grade, no amount of money has ever beaten Sergio's love of winning.

He has officially signed for Real Madrid not because of their morals but because they are main winners. Some people like that about Sergio the fact that he is passionate and does what it takes. Others think Sergio is a monster and that he is constantly crossing peoples lines.

But Sergio couldn't care less about what people thought about him. He was going to keep doing whatever he wanted to.

It is Sergio's first day at practice and there were jealous angry stares. He picked up a ball and began to show boat juggling loosely to piss people off even more.

"Ramos," A familiar voice called out to him. He settled the ball on the floor turning to see Mourinho calling for him. Breaking out into a run Sergio met his now manager doing his best to be as respectful as he could be.

"I'm going to start you in a scrimmage today with the A team. Some of the lads can be tough just understand that they're not used to you yet," Mourinho said seriously before patting him on the shoulder.

"Thank you," Sergio replied back curtly before running back onto the pitch. Sergio glanced around the pitch trying to size everyone up it was a glorious day for him. Being able to play against big players made him feel just even more cocky. Today was Sergio's day to prove himself to his future teammates. Sergio believed it was not a chance that was given to him by luck but one that he earned through skill.

Sergio settled into the back diamond made by the other defenders and analyzed the opposing forwards play style. These are players he'd been watching for some time now, he knew who they wished to pass to and how they intended to score.

As expected they managed to break through the left side of the defense and Sergio was left as the last line of defense. Benzema was charging at him with great speed. Sergio remained composed angling his body so that Benzema was closed off from the goal.

Benzema attempted to drift past Sergio but he  followed Benzema no matter how many times he dropped to the floor. That gave enough time for Nacho to drop back in behind Sergio and block the pass that Benzema attempted.

That was enough for Sergio to become very involved in the game making good clears and getting comfortable enough to make safe tackles. To Sergio it didn't seem like the forwards on his own side seemed to like him but Nacho made a good effort to applaud Sergio when he did well.

Practice let out late and the team packed into the locker room, Sergio was left isolated on the edge of the bench. Nonchalantly he unlaced his shoes and hoped no one would talk to him.

"Sergio right?" Nacho asked taking a seat next to him.

Sergio looked up at him half surprised, "Yeah Nacho?" Nacho nod his head looking around the team who seemed to glance at them weirdly.

"You want to walk home together?" Nacho offered Sergio.

"You live nearby?" Sergio asked Nacho somewhat freaked out that Nacho knew he was close as well.

"Yeah it's policy that first year you have to live close. I just never felt like leaving," Nacho explained.

Shrugging his shoulders, Sergio responded with, "Why not?" Nacho gave Sergio the run down on things and how he should go about talking to people. Sergio listened somewhat but at the same time his mind wandered to a certain midfielder.

"Hey what about Modric?" Sergio asked cooly.

"Oh he's a new transfer just like you. I think you're both the same age," Nacho mentioned.

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