Dancing with Temptation

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"Look at them cuddling," Nacho grabbed Christiano's arm pointing at the scene before them. Sergio had his leg firmly over Luka who didn't seem to mind at all. Meanwhile they both were hugging each other with Luka resting his head in Sergio's chest.

"You know they make sense," Christiano couldn't help but think they suited each other.

"You're not wrong. I would say they're each others types actually," Nacho didn't seem to find anything wrong with what Christiano was saying.

"You don't think?" Christiano threw the question out there.

"I don't know. Maybe?" Nacho wasn't exactly confident in the theory.

"Should we test it?" Christiano had a smirk on his face. Nacho took a second thinking of the consequences before a grin plastered on his face.

"Good morning," Sergio was sat up in his bed rubbing his eyes to try to wake up.

"About time you wake up," Nacho teased.

"Yeah whatever," Sergio stole a glance at Luka still sleeping before getting out of bed.

"Sooo," Nacho glanced at Christiano, "I was thinking we go clubbing."

"Oh I'm down for that," Christiano immediately agreed.

"Yeah that sounds good to me," Sergio didn't seem to find a problem with that.

"Yeah who knows, maybe you'll meet someone there. Girl? Boy?" Nacho was interrupted as Christiano elbowed him in the guts.

"Boy?" Sergio rose a brow in suspicion of Nacho's question.

"You never know nowadays," Nacho claimed defensively.

"You trynna tell me something?" Sergio questioned with a grin.

"Of course not!" Nacho went bright red at Sergio's comment.

"I'm just messing with you," Sergio urged Nacho to quiet down.

"What are we talking about?" Luka sleepily asked tucking himself under Sergio's arm.

"Nacho and boys," Christiano interjected.

"Christiano!" Nacho had fully expected Christiano to side with him.

"No boys for me," Sergio stated but betrayed himself by pulling Luka in closer.

"Whatever just be ready to go clubbing later," Nacho explained before walking off to the bathroom.

"I think I'm gonna get breakfast want to come?" Sergio asked Luka who still held onto him.

"Hm I think that sounds good," Luka replied softly.

"You coming?" Sergio asked Christiano.

"No I think I'll wait for Nacho," Christiano responded. Quickly brushing there teeth Luka and Sergio made there way down to the buffet.

"No boys for you?" Luka questioned Sergio who was grabbing a mountain of food onto his plate.

"Well maybe just one," Sergio smirked.

"Oh what's he like?" Luka asked sarcastically.

"Hmm he's a foreigner. If you can believe it? A midfeilder. And his eyes, I swear I've never seen anything so beautiful," Sergio may have been playing around but he meant everything he said.

"Sounds like you really love him then," Luka grinned as they took their seats.

"Yes I'm afraid he really has me in his clutches," Sergio gave a dramatic sigh.

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