Do You Miss Me?

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It had been two weeks and Luka had practically fallen off the face of the Earth. Sergio was a mess he hadn't been able to eat anything. Everything he tried to eat he threw up.

He had spent the whole week crying without end. There had even been an instance when Sergio had to excuse himself from practice because he could no longer hold it in. He felt he was running groggily and without any sort of motivation.

Nacho took pity on Sergio understanding fully what was happening. Most of the team in fact had gotten the hint. Sergio got back to the apartment which he still called theirs and immediately glued himself to the phone. He left what was probably the hundredth call which stopped going through.

With a sigh he left a voice mail, "Hola Lukita. Yo te extraño. Yo se que soy tonto por pensar lo pero...todavía creo que vas a regresar. Te espero amor. (Hi Lukita. I miss you. I know that I'm dumb for thinking it but... I still think that you will come back. I'll wait for you love.)" More involuntarily tears flowed from his eyes which he uselessly tried to wipe away.

"Mama," Sergio saw his moms name in his contact list and decided he should speak with his parents.

"Sergio mi hijo!" The woman was speaking happily most likely oblivious to the situation. Sergio's parents had never been about living in the media instead they chose to live humbly.

"¿Podríamos hablar en persona? Podría llevarte a ti y a papá a comer si quieres. (Could we speak in person. I could take you and dad out to eat if you want)," Sergio offered.

"Obviamente hijo, está bien (Obviosuly son, that's great)," She exclaimed before hanging up. Sergio had picked them up from their house before driving back to the city to a nice restaurant.

"Sergio we missed you," His father said proudly. "You know I really missed you guys as well," Sergio tried to visit a few times a year. But lately with his hamstring injury and such a horrible season he hadn't found time.

"Sergio," His mother spoke in a kind voice, "Why did you invite us out? I know my son and you do not look well," Sergio took a shaky breathe in glancing between both of his parents.

"Whatever it is we're here for you," His father reassured Sergio as he saw him falter.

"I'm in love with- I mean I've been in love with and seeing... well," Sergio swallowed roughly, "A man." The dinner table went quiet and all that could be heard was the rustle of the restaurant for a few moments. His mother smiled softly, she took Sergio's hand in her own.

"It's okay," The words broke into Sergio's heart far worse than anything else.

"It doesn't change the fact that we love you," His father smiled. Sergio let his face fall into his hands tears of pure relief and sadness falling.

"Why are you crying Sergio? It's alright. We want to meet him," His mother encouraged.

"Madre, el se fue (Mother he left)," Sergio barely managed to speak.

"What?" His mother was confused.

"The news channel got hold of us through Maria and," Sergio caught his breathe, "His parents hate us so he left." Sergio smiled bitterly the whole situation still so fresh for him.

"Hija del diábolo (Daughter of the devil)," Sergio's mother muttered.

"Sergio I can tell you love him. Love doesn't fade easily. I know you wouldn't pick someone that is cruel. Whoever he is, he will come back. What I'm asking you to do is not give up so easily. I didn't raise a quitter," His dad spoke with such passion that it genuinely rattled Sergio.

"You're right," Sergio gained some strength, "I'll wait as long as it takes."

"Tell us about him," His mother was eager to know anything about him. Sergio took out his phone and showed a picture of him to which both of his parents smiled at.

"We met the first day that I arrived at Real Madrid," Sergio laughed lightly, "He didn't really like me at first because I was such a hot head."

"You always were a trouble maker," His mother added in.

"But he saw past that and it's hard not to fall in love with someone who's so gentle and only wants the best in the world," Sergio's heart ached, "Luka was always good at that."

"He sounds like a good person," His father spoke gently.

"He is," Sergio knew that Luka deserved the world and more. Speaking about Luka hurt but now he had faith that no matter what, they'd be together again.

The next day was supposed to be Sergio's day off. However, early in the morning he heard his phone begin to ring. He jumped from his bed thinking that it was Luka calling back only to be rudely surprised.

"Fuck," Sergio swore as he saw Ancelotti begin to call him. He contemplated letting it ring but decided he shouldn't take any chances.

"Hello?" Sergio did his best to forget his grievances.

"Ramos I need you to come to the training grounds. We have a very serious conversation that we need to have," Ancelotti explained sternly.

'Puta Madre,' Sergio thought to himself. "Yes I'll be there as soon as possible," Sergio spoke with as much respect as he could muster. Sergio pulled his jacket on and made his way through the dark building until he found the only lit office.

"Hello Ramos I want you to sit," It sounded more like a command.

"Do you know where Luka is?" Ancelotti asked mockingly.

Sergio bit his tongue, "He's out on injury." Was the lie that Luka had told the rest of the team.

"Oh is that so? Because I am sure it has something to do with you," Ancelotti spoke angrily.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Sergio looked away trying to play dumb.

"Don't lie to me!" Ancelotti yelled.

"I'm not lying!" Sergio anxiously yelled back.

"Ramos do you think I'm blind? I've seen it for a while in the locker room and after games. I've kept quite because it hadn't caused me issues. But clearly I can no longer say that," Ancelotti was screaming now. Sergio felt himself snap, hating that everyone felt like they had the right to tell him what to do.

"So what?! We had a little fight! We're both adults and he'll come back because it's his job!" Sergio screamed in return.

"Is Luka here? No! Luka is the glue of this team in case you haven't noticed. Sergio you have been injury prone," Ancelotti spoke harshly now aiming to insult Sergio.

"Then get rid of me," Sergio wasn't thinking before speaking.

"Watch me Sergio. Watch me," Ancelotti finalized, "Now get out." Sergio got up and stormed out beginning to feel a hatred burn inside him. Now instead of feeling sad he was so incredibly angry.

The lesson that his parents tried to implement on him had vanished. He was angry that he wasn't enough for Luka, he was angry at Maria, he was mad at Ancelotti.

Sergio swore he wasn't a smoker by any means. It was seen as grotesque to smoke weed in Spain.
For that reason he swore it off but right now he wanted to feel in control of anything.

Buying some off of a shady corner he decided to fade the world out. The last thing he saw was the faint ghost of Luka's shadow before losing complete control.

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