"What?" Ross said, up and out of the chair in no time.

He was shoving Josh out of the door and into the hall.

"What did you say about my mom?" He asked, even though he knew exactly what Josh said.

"She was in a head on collision with a drunk driver." Josh said, sympathy heavy in his voice.

"Where is she?" Ross asked, already storming down the hall. Josh followed behind colliding and bumping into people.

"She's in surgery!" Josh yelled, knowing his best friend had left him behind.

The camera pans pasted the people bustling down the hall and comes to a halt at Josh, who stands in the middle of the busy hallway occasionally being bumped into by patients and hospital workers alike.

Josh let's out a heavy breath as the background noise decreases while a rather erratic heartbeat can be heard clearly.

Josh, knowing he'll never be able to find Ross again, shakes his head slightly as his lips form into a tight line. It was at that moment in the film that you can really see the shift in Ross and Josh's friendship.

The rest of the movie consists of short clips that show Ross going through different scenarios smashed together to create a heart wrenching montage for the viewer.

The montage shows how terribly Ross's life becomes after the death of Sylvia and his mother, Michael's character quickly deteriorated until there was nothing left but an empty shell.

The credits role, an applause follows.

People become a little restless in their seats now that they expect the movie to be finished. The final credits roll and the screen goes black.

Heavy breathing fills the room.

"W-where am I?" The owner of the heavy breathing asks, the screen glows and what mockingly looks like the view from a pair of eyes opens.

They blink once, twice, three times.

"Josh? Can you hear me?" A voice asks from what sounds like underwater. Something white moves blurrily into sight.

"The surgery was a success." the blob speaks once again, this time the tone int their voice much lighter.

The faux eyes blink and the scene changes, everything is clear and Josh's mother is taking up most of the screen.

"Mum," Josh says groggily, gladly walking into his mother's open arms. "I had the worst dream, Ross was-"

There's a barely audible choking noise, it's obvious that even though Josh believes it was a dream he can't bring himself to say it.

Josh's mother pulls away and tears brim her eyes.

"Honey, it wasn't a dream." She whispers, lip quivering.

The faux eyes blink repeatedly, and the scene becomes blurry again. There's a sniff, and another blink.

The scene changes, it begins with the eyes looking at the brilliant green leaves on a tree. They look down, a dark grey tombstone protrudes through the vibrant green grass which only seems to make the stone stick out like an elephant in the polar bear enclosure at the zoo.

"Hey, leaving your blind friend behind like that. It's rude,"

The screen goes black.

"Speech time," Michael mumbles cheekily, bumping my shoulder as he gets up.

"Fuck off."

"Just make it up, that's what I do." He shrugs, frowning slightly.

"Fuck off." I repeat.

A/N: So last update, I asked you what two stories you would like to see the description for and you chose Twisted and FIFA.

Looks like y'all prefer malum. Not that I write much else but there was a lashton option.

Anyway, here are the descriptions!


"It's fine, I'll just look it up on YouTube... It says tutorial but these videos are made for people that are already make up wizards..."
× × ×
Or the one where Calum ends up in a girl's body and has to play along until they can switch back.



"So Soccer Player, you think you'll get it easy? Babe, you've got another thing coming for you."

"You just called me babe."

"... I take that back."

Game Designer!Michael
FIFA Star!Calum

If you would like a little more of a description for either one feel free to ask, and remember:

There can only be one.

On a complete unrelated topic, my dog is hella cute.

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