"sucks we can't give a beat down before the tournament." kyler says before robby looks over at him.

"just because we can't fight doesn't mean we can't get a little payback." robby says before daphne smirks a little bit.

"so, what do you have in mind?" daphne says and the boy just smiles.

they were now walking towards the tattoo shop, robby positive that hawk would be there.

daphne wasn't going to lie she felt a little bad, she would much rather get revenge on sam but she knows robby wouldn't do that, she would have to do that in her own time.

as the group walk towards the tattoo shop and daphne and robby walking behind robby begins to slow down next to the girl knowing something is up.

"you alright?" robby says turning to face the girl who sighs before turning towards him.

"yeah." she says nodding her head before looking up at him.

"you sure?" robby says grabbing the end of her hand with his brushing his fingers against hers.

"yeah. let's just get this over with." she says as the pair begin to walk long and robby nods.

robby knows that daphne might be a little uncomfortable with this as hawk used to be one of her closest friends. but robby already gave her the green light that she didn't have to come but she wanted to, she wanted to stick by her team.

daphne didn't want to look weak, she was done doing that.

as the group enter the tattoo shop daphne and robby slowly walking behind as kyler speaks up.

"tattoo shop's closed for the day." kyler says as hawk immediately looks up at the group with wide eyes before getting up quickly to defend himself.

"you weren't that hard to find, you little bitch." kyler says to hawk.

daphne and robby walk behind the group, daphne holding onto robby's arm as she follows him to grab a sharp tool for the plan.

"you assholes just ignoring the no-fighting rules?" hawk says as tory stands in front of him.

daphne let's go of robby's arm and holds her head up before walking over standing next to tory.

"we aren't here to fight." robby says as he walks over in front of hawk.

"daphne, how could you do this?" hawk says to her with pleading eyes.

daphne looks down before immediately remembering she was done showing her weaknesses.

"you let them get payback on us, why should i not do the same?" daphne says crossing her arms as robby walks up behind hawk before cutting his mohawk off.

robby quickly walks over to daphne grabbing her hand before walking out, he didn't want her to get upset.

as the two walked back to the dojo for the night, hand in hand daphne spoke up.

"you know what i found out today." she sans and robby looked at the girl raising his brows.

"what did you find out?" he says and she smiles.

"our dads are fighting tonight." she says and he widens his eyes.

"how did you find that out?" he says and she shrugs her shoulders.

"i have my ways." she says causing the boy to let out a small laugh as the two walk into the empty dojo making their way to the back in which they currently call home.

as daphne and robby begin to get ready for sleep daphne speaks up breaking the silence.

"my dad called me. and i picked up." she says and robby looks over at the girl with concern.

"what did he say." robby says sitting closer to the girl who was sitting in front of him on the ground.

"he told me i need to go back to school. i'm not gonna lie i completely forgot about it considering i've been spending most of my time with you and you are a dropout." daphne says and robby chuckles.

"maybe you should go back to school. but would you be okay on your own." robby says and daphne smiles.

"i'll be alright. i can defend myself, you know that." she says pushing his shoulder back before he puts his arms up in surrender.

"i am very sorry i care. but if anything does happen, call me." he says and she smiles.

"like you'll be allowed on the premises." she says and robby chuckles.

"i'm serious. i don't want them to fight you, especially if you are alone." he says and she shakes her head.

"they wont fight me, they will just convince me to come back to miyagi do, which will not be happening. and sam will probably just convince me to bring you with me." daphne says and robby nods.

"sounds about right." robby says laying down and daphne smiles at the boy before laying her head on his chest as he wraps his arms around her.

"i'll be fine. don't worry about me." daphne whispers before closing her eyes as robby strokes her hair.

"i'll try not to." he says before kissing her forehead before closing his eyes too, the pair laying there holding onto each other as if the other one was going to disappear any minute now.

ana speaks🙏🏻🙏🏻

they are actually so cute i cant. anyways also BLUE BEETLE IS COMING OUT ON FRIDAY I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE XOLO IN IT AHHHHHHH!! anyways until next time ;)

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