chapter 12

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daphne is at miyagi do with robby

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daphne is at miyagi do with robby.

"are you sure you're alright?" daphne asks as he is letting out some hard punches on a punching bag.

"i'm fine." he spits continuing to punch.

daphne hears footsteps behind her as sam approaches.

"look, miguel i-" sam says walking in causing both daphne and robby to turn their heads and look at her.

"i- cant talk right now. can you just tell aisha to call me back?" she says before looking down and ending the call.

she puts down her bag next to where daphne is sitting before looking at the pair.

"i thought it was aisha." she says looking at robby.

"you can talk to whoever you want." robby says before turning back to the punching bag.

"hey guys." daniel says walking in.

"all right! perfect attendance on day 1." daniel says walking towards them as daphne stands up.

"so, what's our first lesson?" sam asks.

"you'll see. follow me." daniel says before leading the 3 out front.

daniel grabs a bag of sand and empties it out laying it in a circle.

"if we're gonna play in the sand, can't we just go to the beach?" sam says laughing.

"nope, not today. it's been a long time since this dojo has had more than one student, and you figure with three people you have almost twice the defense, right?" daniel says causing everyone to nod their heads.

"wrong. one of the cornerstones of miyagi do karate is always moving in a circle. and with the wheel technique, you'll soon see that 3 people can be as strong as 20. now are you ready?" daniel says.

"yes, mr larusso." robby says.

"hell yeah." daphne says unfolding her arms.

"let's do this." sam says smiling.

"alright get in the circle. " daniel says as the 3 do that.

"face me, bow. face eachother, bow." daniel says.

daniel begins to show them moves as they rotate in a circle kicking invisible enemies.

"no no you guys need to be perfectly in sync or this technique doesn't work." daniel says causing all 3 of them to stop and look at him.

"technique? this feels more like a dance." robby says.

"look guys you all need to master this and nobody is gonna mess with you, come on let's try again." daniel says as they begin to try again.

"guys, at the same time." daniel says as they begin to do the movements.

"how are we supposed to do it at the same time if we can't see eachother?" daphne asks rolling her eyes.

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