chapter 13

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daphne, robby and sam are in miyagi do practicing the techniques whilst sparring on eachother

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daphne, robby and sam are in miyagi do practicing the techniques whilst sparring on eachother.

"remember, keep moving in a circle." daphne says standing up from the rock she was sitting on as she turns to face the pair.

"you know, i did make the all valley finals." robby says smiling at the girl.

"now that's just because you didn't have to get through me, i definitely would've taken your spot if i was competing." daphne says moving her hair behind her shoulder.

robby lets out a chuckle before smiling widely. "listen, i want to thank you, both of you." he says lookinh between the two larusso girls.

"for what?" sam says with furrowed brows.

"last week i had no hot water, this week i have a jacuzzi in my back yard." robby says whilst sam quickly makes eye contact with daphne then immediately speaks up before daphne could say anything.

"well, i wouldn't get too excited. we did find a dead possum in there." sam says causing the pair to laugh before daphne sighs and rolls her eyes.

"seriously. thank you, it's been a little rough lately. it's nice to have people look out for you." robby says.

"of course, it's what friends do." daphne says stepping forward beating sam to it.

"not all friends." robby says and daphne looks at him with apologetic eyes.

before anybody could say anything else daniel walks in to the dojo telling them to show him where they are up to with the technique.

daphne, robby and sam begin to get in their positions however before they can start they look up as they hear daniel speak again.

"good afternoon." he says looking at two boys who look similar age to his three students infront of him walk in.

"hey, we're looking for miyagi do." one of them says causing daphne to smile.

"you're in the right place." daniel says looking around at the scenery behind him causing his three current students to step forward.

"commercial said lessons are free?" the other boy said causing daniel to nod.

"they sure are. are you guys ready to get started?" daniel says as the boys nod.

"i have a couple cans of paint out front, the fence back here could use a fresh coat. robby will show you." daniel says causing the boys to share confused looks between one another.

"you want us to paint your fence?" one of the boys says confused.

"keep an open mind guys, it'll all make sense later robby says.

"this is just a scam to get kids to do your yard work huh?" the other boy says.

"come on, let's go to the place with the snake." the other boy says before the pair walked off causing daphne to sigh.

"people are so impatient." she says shaking her head.

daniel had later persuaded the three to perform their skills at valley fest in attempt to recruit more students. sam and robby were quick to agree however it took daniel a little longer to persuade daphne however he finally got her to say yes under one condition. he owes her $30.

"hey guys, thanks for doing this, how are you feeling?" daniel asks the 3 who then to look at him.

"honestly dad, not good. i feel super nauseous i don't think i can do it." daphne says obviously lying.

"what's wrong, are you alright?" robby says putting his hand on her back looking at her as she sits on the floor.

"she's lying. she just wants to get out of it." sam says and daniel nods.

"ugh, atleast one person believed me for a second." daphne says looking up at robby with a devilish smirk as he rolls his eyes.

as it got closer and closer to their performance daphne actually began to felt nauseous, however it was too late now, nobody would believe her.

"please direct your attention to the larusso auto booth." the lady on the stage said and that was enough for daphne to go into full panic mode however she managed to put on her brave face, something she does a lot.

the three of them stand together with robby in the middle of the two larusso girls as daniel is standing toward the side and forward a bit they begin to perform what they had rehearsed.

daphne continues to perform what daniel had taught her as she tries her very best to ignore the crowd and pretend they are just in training.

as they prepare for the finale they are interrupted. before daphne can jump to any conclusions she knows exactly who it is when she hears miguel and hawk's voices through the crowd.

she looks over to where the noise is coming from and sees a bunch of cobra kai students being led by miguel and hawk running towards the stage opposite where they were standing chanting 'cobra kai'.

daphne looks at daniel putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder as she sees the crowd following them towards the other stage.

"what the hell is going on here?" daniel says looking towards them at first with a sadden look which then immediately turned into anger when he saw johnny lawrence.

"i'm gonna fucking kill them." daphne says looking at miguel and hawk with anger in her eyes as daniel turned back to look at her.

as they finish their stunt and they all stand in a line with johnny in the middle, daphne makes eye contact with miguel as he looks back at her she shakes her head causing his smile to drop.

ana speaks  🙏🏻🙏🏻
heyyyy!!!!! this chapter was kinda weird idk nothing really happened anyways get ready for daphne to enter her angry era!!!!  it's gonna be great. anyways until next time ;)

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