𝖝𝖎𝖎. the wild brunch

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His uncle's voice brought him back to reality and far away from the fantasies brewing in his head like a wild storm. He cleared his throat, hazarding a glance at Regulus.

''How was France, Orion?'' Cygnus asked, pouring himself a cup of tea. ''All is well back at our ancestral home, I hope?''

Walburga silenced her husband with a single look, her lips snaking into a smile. ''There was an issue with one of the house elves, but I took care of it - he won't be troubling us any longer.''

''That's what I like to hear,'' Druella smirked, tapping her nails against the tablecloth. ''We had a similar situation at home a few days ago. Luckily, Bella was visiting, so I didn't have to get my hands dirty.''

Bellatrix puffed her chin out proudly. Lyra's stomach churned at their insinuations. Whilst what happened wasn't explicit, there was no doubt in her mind that either of the house-elves the Black women spoke of had met their demise.

Rabastan nodded his head approvingly at his brother's wife. ''She has the right ideas, Rodolphus, doesn't she? It's a shame she cannot produce life as easily as she can take it.''

The elder Lestrange brother pursed his lips, raising a thick brow at the comment. ''Certainly, brother,'' he replied dryly.

Orion coughed into his croissant, catching the attention of all and changing the subject. The brothers settled back into their seats, hands where everyone could see them.

''I trust the children behaved?'' He asked Cygnus.

''Oh, yes. They were a delight.''

The Black man hadn't bothered to explain that they hadn't done exactly what they were supposed to. They had sent their daughters, which should've been satisfactory, but Orion and Walburga kept their children on a tighter leash than Cygnus and Druella did.

That wasn't to say that Bellatrix, Narcissa, and the forgotten Andromeda could do as they pleased - of course they couldn't. However, they were bestowed more freedom at a younger age due to the fact that Druella had molded them into perfect pure-blood princesses early on (well, almost). As such, they were trusted.

Regulus was similar in that sense. There was no doubt in his parent's minds that he was the rightful heir to the family fortune, yet with a brother like his close by, they did everything in their power to ensure their younger son didn't stray from the path set out for him. Engaging him was only the first part of their plan.

''Well, they know the consequences if you would've said otherwise,'' Walburga mused, glancing at her elder son.

''I do, indeed,'' Sirius started, speaking for the first time in a while. He turned to his cousin, failing to hide the mischief creeping into his expression. ''Tell us, Bella, when are you going to bestow me with a little niece or nephew?''

Druella hummed approvingly, also turning to the Lestrange woman. ''Yes, Bella. Your father and I would like to know, too. Will we be seeing a grand-baby any time soon?''

Bellatrix seemed highly displeased at the change in conversation. She shuffled in her seat, uncomfortable in the tight corset wrapped around her waist, whilst Rodolphus remained void of any emotion.

''You might be, but not from Bella,'' Narcissa smiled, placing her hand onto Lucius'. ''We've decided we're going to start trying.''

''Oh, wonderful!'' Cygnus exclaimed.

''Perhaps this will give Lyra an opportunity to gain some experience,'' Walburga added, glancing over at her future daughter-in-law. ''She can always babysit, it's not good to leave newborns with the house-elves.''

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