𝟎𝟕 𝘉𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘛𝘰 𝘠𝘰𝘶

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TW: Kidnapping, death, and mistreatment

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TW: Kidnapping, death, and mistreatment. (Sorry this is so short, it feels weird writing under 1000 words, but this is a short story. I only plan on having 25 chapters of this story and want to get through them quickly to get back to 'Dauntless')

[Love You Anyway - John K]
1:40 ─〇───── 2:13
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

Isabella's POV

The bars of the cage keep me locked inside the basement of the castle. When Rumlow said he would keep me in the castle, I thought he would be locking me in a bedroom, not in a cage in the basement, my only light coming from a small, rectangular window with even more bars. There really is no escape from here. I've tried to rattle the bars to get someone's attention, but the people who do come to my arrival, don't help me. They believe that I deserve what is happening to me. Sexist bastards. I eventually gave up, lying against the bars, and tried to think about a safer way to escape.

But what can that be? I'm literally locked away from everyone and everything.

As my eyes get heavy, they begin to drop but snap wide open at the sound of clutter above me. I haven't seen much of the castle, but I believe the armoury room is above where I am locked up. I cowered into the corner of the cage, waiting to see Rumlow walk into the room and make some demands on me. He's done it before and will most likely do it again. But, my eyes widen even further when I see James sneak into the room, the keys to the cage in his hands. He looks shocked at my current situation, but shakes himself out of it, unlocking the cage and ushering me out. When I do, I run into his arms, wrapping my hands around his neck and pulling him into a kiss. He happily kisses me back, pulling me into a hug and holding me tightly.

"You're here." I smile.

"Of course I am, I needed you to be safe."

He grabs my hand, pulling me away from the cage. We run up the stairs, and he tells me to close my eyes so as to not see the creation of how he got to me. But, against my better judgement, I keep them open to see dead bodies lying on the floor, sword wounds on their bodies. Some look like they're still breathing, but a few aren't as lucky. I wish I listened to James before. I'm going to be having nightmares for a while about the current scenes.

When we make it to the front of the castle, James helps me get into a carriage, making sure I'm not hurt before whipping the horses and rushing away from the castle. Luckily, Rumlow didn't hurt me physically but did scar me mentally. I was locked in a cage without food or water, no contact with the outside world and absolutely no way to escape. I was lucky that James had gotten me when he did. There is no telling what Rumlow is capable of, and what he wanted to do. Even though I don't have any physical scars, my mind is now shaped differently.


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