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AN: No trigger warnings for a while in this book

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AN: No trigger warnings for a while in this book.

[Reflections - The Neighbourhood]
1:40 ─〇───── 2:13
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

Isabella's POV

I know it may be risky, but what is life without a little bit of chaos? The thrill of getting caught is enough for me to put my reputation and life at risk. I could get caught out here, I know that, but I want to be here. I want to see what I'm not allowed to. There is a whole other world out there, and I've been barricaded away from it. I've been shunned away from the outside, and the only way I can see this is to escape the confines of my home. My father says it isn't safe to be out here, that these people are greedy and will hurt me if they know that I have what they need. But, they don't look like that. These people have freedom and family that love them. They have what they need, and won't hurt me when they find out that I'm the princess.

The princess of their kingdom.

The rain trickles down, and everyone runs into their homes to hide from the oncoming storm. I wish I could follow, but the castle is all the way up the mountain and if I leave now, the knights will know I left. And I'll be locked up in my room until I can't remember what the sun looks like. Believe me, I've been there. I'm supposed to be in the library right now, catching up on my studies, but I can't. Not because I don't enjoy reading, I do, but there is no thrill. It's not that engaging reading any of the fantasy books anymore. It's too predictable. The princess is a damsel in distress and she needs a knight in shining armour to save her. Not every woman needs a man to save her. Some women can save themselves from their own danger. But, my father disagrees. He believes that I need to be married off as quickly as possible and to help rule the kingdom of my husband. I want to get married and build a family, but not with a man that I don't know. I want to fall in love and live my happily ever after.

I pull the hood of my dress coat up, covering my face which is quickly getting wet along with my long blonde hair. It's a simple, black coat from one of the markets I bought the first time I came down here. Back then, people realised who I was, so I knew I needed to disguise myself. There is a small possibility that someone important might see me and tell my parents, so I need to be as discreet as possible. The streets are desolate as I run to take cover in an empty alleyway. I lean against the wall, my head covered by the thatch roof that stuck out of a building. Raindrops still fall on my shoes, and my body is stuck against the wall, my clothes getting caught in the hay. But, it's freeing. I haven't felt rain against my skin in ages. I haven't smelt it in a long time. I pull my hand from my body, feeling the raindrop on my fingertips, creating a bed of water on my skin. It continues to build, and I watch it, until something bashes into my side, making me trip and almost fall on my side. I recover from the interaction, turning my head to see a body facing me, looking down at the ground. It wears a long, leather coat, the hood covering its face. From the body form, I can tell it is a man, and he reaches his hand out to catch me when I almost fall.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. I didn't see you there." He apologizes.

"It's okay, sir." I shake my head, making sure that my head isn't in his view. "Thank you for catching me."

"It's quite alright." He smiles. "I wouldn't want you to fall. It is raining, after all. We couldn't have you getting wet."

"I wouldn't mind."


"I quite like the rain," I explain.

"The rain is nice, but I prefer snow."

"It hasn't rained in a while. It's nice to be able to feel it."

"Have you not felt it before?"

"Uh, no. I have, just not for a while." I stutter.

"Why not? Do you live around here?"

"No, I do. I just haven't been able to be outside in a while." I don't know why I'm telling him this.

"May I ask for your name, malady?"


"Well, Isabella, it was lovely to meet you. My name is James."


"Yes, but my friends call me Bucky." He states.

"Are you asking me to be your friend?"

"Would that be so bad?"

"No, it's just, I don't know you."

"Then, get to know me. Why don't you come to join me at the bar? It's open for another hour. My friend owns it." He suggests.

"I would, but I must get back. I can't be here for much longer."

I feel bad for declining his offer, but I mean what I said. Any second out here longer than I need to be is dangerous. I need to sneak back into the castle in between the guard's shifts. They have a 2-minute break in between each other, and if I'm late, I need to wait another 3 hours. And I can't be late for my father's speech. He would know that I was out and he would keep me locked in the castle until I marry. I look up to get a glimpse of his face, seeing his bright blue eyes capturing mine in an instant. They compare to his pale skin and slight freckles just under his nose. When his eyes meet mine, they don't fault from them.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to stare. It's just, you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen."

"Oh, thank you." I blush.

"It is a shame you must go, Isabella. I would have loved to get to know you better."

"I'm sorry, but I must leave. I hope I can see you again." I begin to run back to the castle.


My father began his speech in the throne room. Luckily, I wasn't running late and was able to change into a dress before walking into the room. My father sits on the throne at the top of the room, my mother in her seat and me in mine. The large double doors open slowly, and the guards walk into the room with their swords in their hands.

"Thank you for joining us, this is highly important." My father's voice booms through the room. "The kingdom has been lacking recently in the funds for all of your missions." He gestures to the guards.

They all look up at my father, and I quickly skim over them. I've known all of them for the majority of my life, they've grown up with me. They've been my protectors since I was born, and I've gotten to know them well. But, there is an unknown body on the end of the line, looking up at my father. His face is covered by his armour, but when he looks over at me, I can see his eyes widen.

His bright blue eyes.

My mouth drops open as I stare at him, instantly recognising him as the man I just met in the rain. He stands in front of my father in his armour, beside the other knights, his sword in his hands. We both can't do or say anything about each other, or let my father know that I know about him yet as he is a new knight that I shouldn't know. My father can't know that I went out into the village.

"So, in order to fix this issue, I will be marrying my daughter, Isabella, to the rival kingdom. We can trade with them. Your jobs are to protect her as she and the prince get to know each other. I am putting my trust into all of you to protect her with your lives."


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