The Search for El Dorado

Start from the beginning

Ozpin chuckles, pleased at the sight. "Well, now this is more like it!" He looks at the pillars. "What do you think this is - Incan?"

Oscar shook his head. "Nah, it's older than that. Like two thousand years older."


"Judging by the weathering and the mortar used, he's correct." Oobleck said, smiling.

Oscar then climbs up on one of the short towers and jumps to another.

"Be careful, Oscar." Glynda warned. "Those pillars are old, so we don't know if they'll collapse at any time.

"Be careful up there." Ozpin advised, watching Oscar's every move. 

Oscar looks around and spots a strange wooden area of the ground floor by the wall of the clearing. "Hey, there's something funny about the ground down there."

Ozpin walks over and inspects it, tapping one foot on it. "It's hollow. We gotta find a way to smash through this."

Oscar looks around the ruins and jumps over on the wall and finds a large stone rock on the edge and pushes it down with all his might. The stone breaks through the floor creating an entrance.

"Good work, kid!" Ozpin compliments as Oscar drops down from the wall. They then started down the stairs, entering the cave. The further they walk, the darker it gets.

"Uh, think we're gonna need the flashlights for this one." Ozpin said.

Weiss nodded in agreement. "Yes, you'll have a hard time looking where you're going."

They turn on their flashlights and walk down the cave. Just then, several bats flew past them. "Woah!" The duo yelped as they ducked their heads. They continued down the stairs into the underground room with pillars holding the ceiling up. They shine their flashlights as they enter.

"What a warm and homey place, huh?" Ozpin says, mockingly.

Oscar laughs as he jumps on random debris. "Not quite what we were expecting, huh?"

"Yeah - where's all the damn gold?" Ozpin questioned as they both examine the walls.

Oscar jumps down and looks around. "Ah, this place was picked clean centuries ago."

"No-good limey pirate." Ozpin snaps, not very happy.

Most of the students couldn't help but winced. It was very rare for their Beacon Headmaster to get upset. Especially like this.

"Professor Ozpin... are you okay?" Blake asked, surprised.

"Why are you so mad?" Jaune asked, concerned.

Yang nodded. "Yeah, it's just treasure."

"You wouldn't understand." Roman called out. "You're not thieves."

"Is this treasure really that important?" Ironwood questioned, frowning.

Oscar finds an old Spanish helmet on the ground and picks it up. "No, it wasn't Drake. Check this out." He hands the helmet to Ozpin. "Looks like the Spanish got here before he did."

"AGH!" Ozpin yells as he angrily throws the helmet on the ground.

This caused most of the audience to be completely caught off guard.

"Jeez, Ozpin!" Nora exclaimed, flinching.

"What's gotten into you?!" Pyrrha questioned, worried.

"Why are you so angry?" Yang asked.

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