Inner Chambers of Temple

Start from the beginning

Adi quickly leaped into the stage and hugged his wife and daughter. They breathed in relief when they realised him being closer.

Emcee: I hereby welcome Your Royal Highness, The Prime Minister of Z country, Aditya Mahadev.

Adi: Hello my dear brothers and sisters!!! Sorry for keeping this fact hidden for a long time. My wife wanted to pave her way in this industry for herself without revealing her identity.

People again clapped for the humble couple. Adi donned a white suit with stone studded and he didn't have a shirt inside. It was clearly shown that the suit was designed by Suhasini as she had a similar pattern saree. Even baby Nasya was dressed in white stone studded gown.

The winner was quickly announced and she won the international competition as promised.


Seven years later....

Adi and Suhasini stood in the royal funeral of his father, the current king, His majesty, Mahadev. Madhana was crying with her handkerchiefs covering her weeps.

90 years old Iniyal looked dead with all colors drained from her face. She lost her only son. She sent her husband to his afterlife and was then sending her son. She was grieving and wondering how her body of bones withstanding all these pain. She still had a job to finish.

Three weeks later, the palace was buzzing with noises from all the royal heirs. Adi and Suhasini had four kids in total. Eeshwar and Prerna had three daughters while Oorvashi gave birth to two sons.

Suhasini was trying to hold Rudradev, her second son, who was running around.

Adi had the other two sons on his lap. They were six and four years old.  Empress entered their chamber to witness this scene.

The crown prince stood up from his seat in respect to her. The kids and his wife also rose from their seats.

The empress smiled at them and kissed the children on their forehead.

Empress: Little brat gave birth to little brats. I hope Nasya is doing fine in the boarding school. You're so strict in their upbringing, Adi.

Adi: We brothers and sister went to the same boarding school per your order, your majesty.

Empress: I know... I know... But bring her often.. Palace feels empty..

Adi turned around and looked at the palace. It was not even looking like a grieving place with all the kids at one place.

He sighed and Suhasini smiled at the empress. The old lady wished to keep all her great grandchildren close to her as she lost her only son. She was able to understand her grandmother.

Empress: You need to be crowned in a week as the King, Adi.

Adi: As you order, your majesty.

She brushed his hair.

Empress: How filial of you, dear. I need to visit a place.

Can you come with me???

I'm taking him to temple with me, Little brat.

Suhasini: As you wish, Empress grandma...

For the first time in his life, Adi was puzzled with this trip to temple.

Adi: Grandma, is there any ritual that needs to be completed before coronation???

I don't think father did any. Mother never told me of such things.

Empress: There is something that has to be done. There are still some questions which are unanswered.

You're Aditya. The chosen one of our lineage, Adi.

You need to do something before your coronation. I'll explain further once we reach the temple.

Adi was more puzzled with her answer. He always kept his eyes open and stayed vigilant all his life.

After sometime, they reached the temple. They were taken to inner chambers which were never opened for decades.

The staffs left them in front of a door and Empress opened the door with a large key. She entered the room and asked Adi to follow her.

They crossed two rooms and stopped in front of a sandalwood door. It looked expensive from all the angles. There were many intricate details on that door. The key hole and key were made in gold to that room.

Empress: Adi, have you ever wondered why we accepted your siblings' weddings to the people they loved without any questions and denied you of that right???

Adi: Isn't it because of my disease?

Empress: That's what your mother and others were told.

Adi: Grandma...

Empress: Once when we were kids, I was told that this lineage has a secret that needs to be kept by your grandfather. After I became the empress, I was revealed of that secret.

That is, A chosen one will born in this lineage, he will become a great ruler and king of this great nation. He will stand and destroy all the plots that will be planned against this great nation.

His period will be regarded as the golden period of this nation.

Her voice had a tone of warmth when she said and she then continued.

Empress: When I asked the emperor how to identify this chosen one, he said that the chosen one will not be able to touch women in his life and he should get married to the first woman he touches.

Adi looked calm outwardly but his heart was racing. He felt that he had seen a lot in his life. But when he realised that there was something beyond his imagination, he wasn't able to wrap his head around that thought.

Did someone really predict the things that were happening in his life????

The empress then opened the door and asked him to enter. He noticed that she didn't follow him.

Surprisingly, the chamber looked spotless and clean. As he walked, he realised that the chamber had two connected rooms and in the first room, he noticed a long portrait on the wall.

He stood rooted to the ground when he realised the face in the picture.

He saw himself staring at him in the picture. The only difference was that the person in the picture was dressed in ancient royal clothes.

The name under the portrait read 'Aditha Varman'

*Author's note: Here starts the second volume of PM&I. I'm grateful to all the readers that stood by me. Thank you all for being so lovely and patient. I really hope that the second volume also gets the same love as the first volume did.

To give you guys an idea, this will be the prequel of PM&I. Initially, I wasn't ready to write this, however, on the insistence of my sweet buddy, I had to write. She listened to the narration and said that if I don't do the prequel then I'm not completing their story. Hence here we are starting the prequel. Please give your support folks. Love you all. Next updates will be coming..

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