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Aria's POV:

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Aria's POV:

I tired to open my eyes. 

I felt dazed as I did and my mind felt so fuzzy. 

A stale taste was left in my mouth, something that tasted like blood. And my senses seemed faint almost as if i wasn't even in control of my body. 

No matter how hard I tried to move, sit up, my body refused to comply.  

But a strange muffled sound bought me to attention, and through my half lidded eyes I looked to my side to see, Ollie. 


He was holding my hand towards him as he st on the side of he bed, eyes red as tears leaked through them. 

No matter how much I tired to hold his hand back, my hands refused to comply and no matter how hard I tried to speak my voice clogged up. 

It took me a while to realise that I was paralysed. 

I could see, I could hear, i could taste. But i could not move. Nor talk. 

I tried as hard as I could to move my fingers. To let him know I was awake but still nothing listened and my hand lay limply in Oliver's grasp.

"I hurt somebody today Ria. I hurt somebody because I felt so guilty about what happened to you that I let it all out on them." 

"Who?"  I wanted to ask 

"They didn't deserve it. Not in the least but i still hurt them."  He carried on. 


"I need you to wake up Ria. Please can you do that for me? Please?" He begged. 

"I'm trying. trust me Ollie. I am." 

Ollie shifted a little, to move closer, his hand on my hair, gently pushing it out of my face as he carried on speaking to me. 

"You know after Vincent stabbed me, he thought I was dead and tried to discard my body, he chucked me in the middle of the woods, and I was half alive, half dead, take it what you will. I just lay there for 2 days. Dipping in and out of conscious. Sometimes I'd wake up and I'd see you and dad. Both of you smiling down at me. And i'd want to die right there and then so I could join you." 

My head was muddled but through that I imagined a terrified little boy barely 14 years old lying on the cold hard ground unable to move at all. 

"I could fell insects crawling on my body, all up my arms and hands and I wanted nothing more than to die, but i didn't. I survived Ria. So please. Please do the same, wake up. I don't even know if you can hear me, but Paris said that there is a high chance you can. So if you can then just listen to me for once in your life." 

If I could move I would have rolled my eyes and glared at him for that comment but now i wanted nothing more then to cry. 

"I know I haven't been the best brother, I've missed a lot. We've missed a lot. I know that. But you are all I have Aria. I promise I'll stop joking around, I'll become better, I really will. But It was hell and then I became someone else, I had to try and forget about you. about Dad. About you both," His voice broke as he confessed what he had never done to anyone else 

"Eventually I stopped trying. I stopped hoping and I stopped believing things would get better and I stopped taking things seriously. So I could make do with what I did have." 

I wanted to reach out to him, to tell him that it was okay. 

"I don't even know what I feel more guilty about, trying to forget you both or pretending like your deaths weren't a big thing. I know its horrible, that i tried to forget you but for all its worth i could never, every year I'd sit in my room on your birthday and write letters to you, and dad. It was my way of coping. I'd think about you both for one day a year and then discard it for the other days. But it never worked out that way." 

My heart was hurting. I didn't know if it was because hearing his words made me want to give him the biggest hug ever or because of this sickness I had. 

"Please Aria. Wake up." He begged again. 

"I promise Ollie I'm trying." 

Then just as I had said that I felt my hand twitch as I tried to move it and Oliver gasped. He held my hand tighter and I attempted to hold it back but it only twitched again. 

"PARIS!" Oliver yelled. 

He let go of my hand and I heard him pull the door open. 

"She's moving." He gasped. 

The other voice was muffled but it seemed to belong to Paris who rushed over and grabbed a hold of my wrist, finding my pulse and counting it. 

It was weird the way that he held my hand in desperation. 

"She's stabilising." He breathed out. 

Chase let out a relived sigh too. 

I could feel Paris moving away from the bed and towards the door and speaking to Chase in a hushed voice, something about Leo.

something about letting him know that I was alive. 

That I hadn't just died. 

I wanted to call out, scream, tell them to not tell him. 

he didn't deserve this. 

he didn't deserve more people disappointing him and right now I was one of those people. 

but my screams died in my throat and I hear the door shut. Close. 

Leaving me all alone and to deal with this suffocating guilt. 

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