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A boy walking down the street wiping his face from the tears and disappointment. He goes by the name Han Jisung, and he has just been heartbroken by his ex, Hwang Hyunjin. They were always on good terms and were in love, but Hyunjin had enough because Han couldn't meet his sexual desires.

Han is a virgin, and he is very fond of having sex, but the younger is scared that someone might hurt him afterward. He walked down the street looking at a nearby sign, it was for coffee. He decided to enter to clear his mind and was greeted by a warm and peaceful atmosphere. That's what the boy needed.

He walks up online and meets the cashier, who is taking people's orders.

"Hello and welcome to PuppyM cafe, what would you like to order?" The boy said. His name was Seungmin, he was the owner of this establishment.

"Hello..can I have the iced americano please?" Han smiled, he wanted to show everyone how he was fine and wasn't heartbroken by the only boy he loved.

"Okay, anything else?" Seungmin smiled.

"Nothing else, uhm hear the money, and here's a tip as well..I'm kind of having a bad day but you deserve to be happy." Han gave him the money and a tip included which made Seungmin smile softly.

"Oh thank you so much..hey I'm having a house party would you like to come? I know we just met but this could help you keep your mind out of the gutter huh?" Seungmin grabbed the cash and placed it in the cash register.

"Yeah I'd love to come, uhm here's my number, and text me the address." Han was finally feeling a little happier,  even though he just met the boy, he trusted him completely.

"I'll get your drink in a second, you can go wait over there." Seungmin then left to go and make Jisung drink while he stood over there looking around. He noticed the nice chandelier and the customers talking up a storm, it must be popular here.

"And here you go, I didn't catch your name by the way." Seungmin placed the iced americano on the drink and Jisung took it.

"Oh I'm Han Jisung..but just call me Han." He smiled and took his drink, texting the younger number for the details and information.

As Jisung walked along the streets it was slowly getting dark and he decided it was best for him to head home. He was glad that Hyunjin and himself weren't living together.

As he got inside he locked the door and headed to the bathroom. He placed the drink on the floor and looked in the mirror. Was there something wrong with him? Was he ugly? Did he not give Hyunjin enough attention? The waterworks started to come in until he heard a ding from his phone.

He casually grabbed it out of his pocket and unlocked it opening up a message. It was Felix. His best friend, he lived and enjoyed Felix's company. Turns out he was going to the party as well. He didn't know that he was good friends with Seungmin.

A few hours had passed and they were at the party. Jisung is wearing something casual, but cute. A button-up shirt with baggy pants and some platforms, making him appear taller than normal. Felix was matching with him only in different colors.

"Are you ready?" Felix asked the older.

"Yeah I'm ready, I hope this can take my mind off of you know.." Jisung held Felix's hand for comfort.

"Yeah...I know. It's okay though we can party!" Felix gave off that nice feeling and energy that Jisung needed. He smiled back and they walked to the front entrance.

"I hope this is the right address." Jisung knocked on the door while letting out a sigh, and it took a few minutes for Seungmin to answer the door.

"Hey welcome, make yourself comfortable. Drinks are on the counter." It was clear Seungmin had already drunk enough for the night.

The two walked in and were shocked ok how many people were there. People making out, some were dancing, some were close to pulling their clothes off, and people were in the pool.

"Jesus.." Felix let out.

"I know..you wanna drink? I can get you one?" Felix added on. Jisung nodded and went to the counters leaving Jisung all alone. He decided to sit where there was an empty available space on the couch where there weren't any drool stains or juice spills.

Waiting for the blonde boy, he encountered a boy who was staring at him. He looked..drunk. He had short fluffy hair and was wearing a leathered jacket and somewhat tight ripped jeans.

As felix came back, the boy stopped looking at him and scoffed.

"Here you go" The younger handed the older a drink in a nice plastic cup, and Jisung took a sip.

"Oh shit that is strong-" Jisung said.

"Language." Felix laughed softly and sat down next to Jisung holding his hand for comfort. When the boy saw the hand-holding holding he got a little upset.

Fast forward a few drinks later and Jisung was completely wasted. He couldn't handle drinking well. Felix wasn't as bad as Jisung, because he was the one responsible for bringing the boy back home.

They started to dance one the music came on and turned up.

As they were dancing, the boy came back again only to come closer to Jisung.

"Wanna dance with me?" He asked, so bold and confidently, for some reason turned the younger on.

"You'll have to beg for it then.." Jisung said. It was very unusual for him to be sexual with anyone, and he never knew he had it in him.

The boy took Jisung by the waist and they slowly followed each other's movement.

"What's your name princess?" The boy asked, he then dug into Jisungs neck while humming softly.

"Jisung..Han Jisung. How about you?" The humming in his next made Jisung moan softly, making sure no one heard him.

Felix looked at them and was in pure shock, he was almost about to laugh but kept quiet. He knew that Jisung needed some peace.

"Minho..Lee Minho baby.." Minho held Jisung so carefully as if they were dating.

"Come with me," Minho added while grabbing the younger hand. They both went into a space in the house. It seemed like Minho knew Seungmin well enough to even know the house layout even while being wasted and unaware of his surroundings.

They both went into the empty room and Minho closed the door.

Jisung didn't know what he was getting himself into.

[COMPLETED] Distraction || LeeKnow x HanJisungWhere stories live. Discover now