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**Mention of smut**

Opening the door he heard a loud thump, and looked inside of his house. It smelled like brownies and coffee, it just be felix.

"Hey Jisung, how was your interview?" Felix asked as he put grabbed the oven mittens and opened the oven.

"It was good..i guess." Jisung sounded disappointed, but also shocked in a way. That concerned Felix.

"What do you mean I guess? What's going on?" Felix turned around to look at Jisung, he looked perfectly fine, or so he thought.

Jisungs face was still red, his ears were redder and his heart couldn't stop beating. He was flustered from Minho, his now soon to be boss

"Nothing really, just the simple fact that the guy i slept with, is now my boss." Felix looked shocked and confused while Jisung threw his head back while placing his bag on the floor.

"My goodness.. i'm so sorry-" Felix said.

"No don't be sorry, I just hope things aren't awkward, he gave me his number and everything.."

"You know what that could mean?" An eyebrow was raised by Felix who also tilted his head a little.

"Ah be quiet it doesn't mean anything, it's for work purposes only." Felix giggled at the olders response, which Jisung rolled his eyes and walked away going into his room.

Felix looked at him walking and sighed, then went back to cooking only to find someone text him to come over at 9 pm.

Felix smirked but looked at Jisung.

'I hope i don't get caught' He thought. He grabbed the oven mittens and opened the oven, to see that his brownies were almost done.

"Jisung, the brownies are almost done, you want any?"

"Yeah sure." He said while closing his room door. He then started to get undress, taking off everything except his underwear and oversized shirt.

Jisung couldn't stop thinking about Minho, how he was still going to be his boss, and he didn't know what he would do. It drived him insane and crazy, but was he catching feelings?

But Jisung wasn't over Hyunjin, he missed him so much. He just wanted to kiss and hug him all of the time. He wasn't even aware that Hyunjin had lost of all his feeling.

Jisung sighed and decided to text Seungmin, even though they just met, he wanted advice.

Hey Seungmin..are you available? I know we just met but i need advice.

Oh sure of course, i'm on break right now so what's up?

So at the party..i saw his guy and we ended up hooking up- and turns out he's my boss..I just applied for a job so..

Oh holy shit, that's something. How do you feel?

I honestly don't know how to feel, I mean i'm still not over my ex who broke up with me a day ago.

Damn, well i'm here if anything, we should hang out soon? How about after my shift? I get off in 3 hours?

Yeah, that sounds great. Thanks Seungmin

No problem Jisung :)

Jisung was happy he had someone to talk to, He would with Felix but Felix seemed..suspicious when.

"Ah fuck Felix- Not so rough jesus christ." Jisung moaned while throwing his head back from the pain he was in.

"I'm trying has hard as I can, this is too tight." Felix groaned while rolling his eyes and pushing harder.

Finally, Jisungs feet had fit into the shoe.

"My goodness, you need bigger shoes." Felix sat down next to Jisung on the couch and rolled his eyes while outta breath.

"Ah i know shut up, Once i get my first pay check that's the first thing i'm doing."

"Yeah good, i don't wanna do that again." They both giggled and Jisung gotten a text from Seungmin.

"Oh look he's here, are you sure you don't wanna come?"

"Yeah i'd rather sit here, but you go have fun, you need to clear your mind out." Felix and Jisung held hands and smiled at each other before Jisung grabbed his bag, phone, keys and wallet and leaving out of the apartment.

Felix looked at his phone. Then he decides to end someone a message.

Hey, wanna come over? Jisung isn't home, he's not going to be home for a few hours.

Yeah, I'll come over in about 15 minutes..get ready haha.

Yeah I will trust me, oh and bring the lube, I don't have any Jisung used it all.

Alright, I'll see you then dear.

Love you

Love you more <3

Felix put his phone down and smiled at himself, thinking about the boy made him horny already. He suddenly looks down and saw his bulge getting hard. Felix bit his lip and threw his head back groaning softly.

'My goodness..' He thought.

(Who do you think that is?? 👀)

[COMPLETED] Distraction || LeeKnow x HanJisungOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora