Chapter 7

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Fitz's POV

Why was John home? It was only 1:30 or so. Sophie and I scrambled to find a place to hide and settled for under the bed. We saw John feet enter the room and heard a creek when he laid down. 

We heard his phone ring and it was soon cut off when John answered it. 

"Hey man," I heard him say. "Yeah I know, the 26th... No, I didn't forget. Did you... Of course... Yes I know we aren't supposed to forget... Yeah I do... It's downstairs, why are you calling me on a cell? ... I didn't hear anything... let me check," we then saw John's feet exit the room and I let out a sigh of relief. 

"That was far to close," Sophie whispered. 

"I know, why was he home anyways? The restaurant doesn't close till 8:30 or so," Sophie nodded. We then saw John re-enter his room and he said a quick good bye to the person he was on the phone call with. 

"Shit. Where in the world did it go? I swear I had it right there," he said to himself. He paced across the room and and continued talking to himself. 

"Maybe... it was those detectives that visited the restaurant the other day. I think it's time I pay them a visit." Damn it. We already gave him our names. He could just search them and could find the place we work at. Then his phone rang again. 

"What is it?" He said angrily. He groaned. "Fine, I'm on my way." He left the room and we heard the door close once again. Sophie and I rolled out and stood up. 

"He's onto us." 

"Yeah, we need to head to the-" We heard the door open again. Why is he back again? I then noticed his car keys were on his bedside table. Sophie and I rushed into the bathroom and heard him murmur something incoherent. He left the house and we exited from the bathroom and headed down the stairs. 

"Once again, that was far to risky. We need to head down to the station. Do you have the paper?" Sophie asked. I nodded and we checked the window to see if he was gone and he was. We quickly made our way to the car and headed back to the station. We needed to hide any of the evidence we took/found from John's house. We knocked on our boss's door, hearing a faint 'come in'

We opened the door and entered her room and she took off her glasses and smiled at us. 

"Take a seat," we did so, "What can I help you with?" 

"We were wondering if you could keep a few pieces of evidence for us?" I asked. Cindy raised an eyebrow. 

"Is their a reason why?" 

"We're investigating this man, John Bergs. We had gone to his house earlier today and he had arrived home unexpectedly and we overheard him saying that he had suspected us for taking his items." 

"Did you?" She asked. 

"Yes, but we can't let him know that or else that'll throw off the whole mission and we wouldn't be able to find the murder of the case that we're working on. Is it fine we keep a few things in here?" Sophie asked. Cindy thought for a few seconds and nodded. Smiles grew on our faces. 

"Thank you," she nodded and we stood up and left her office. 

"Now that we have that covered, we should talk a bit more about the newsletter we found in John's room," I say. Sophie sat on her desk and I put the paper on her desk. 

"He looks the exact same," I commented. 

" He does. How?" 

"And why is he in the newsletter?" 

"It says here 'John Bergs just opened his new restaurant; Providence! What a jolly occasion. Over hundreds of thousands of people have joined to this wonderful grand-opening! Everyone is crowding to get in! This restaurant will be a big hit! Bergs is really an amazing person. He said and I quote "I will never give up on this restaurant. I promise everyone that I will always be the happy owner of my restaurant." Isn't he a saint?' " 

"Do you think he was in this club when he opened up his restaurant?" 

"Well, when he promised he would always  be the happy owner of Providence, I assume so. I really doubt he wouldn't have meant it. Can you transfer the items to Cindy's office please? I don't want him coming in unexpectedly." I nodded and put everything that belonged to John in the office and rejoined Sophie. 

"All right, did you find anything else?" I asked. She shook her head. 

"But I just don't understand how he hasn't aged at all, this was," she paused to check the year, "1934. It's been about 80 years or so. Is this club he's in, the cause or something?" I shrugged. I then noticed John talking to someone. Why was he already here?

 Bergs entered the room, which was odd because people who didn't work here weren't allowed to enter our workspace. But Sophie still rushed to hide the paper. 

"You aren't allowed in here," I say. He smirked. 

"A worker let me in, and I won't be here for long. I just want to chat," he said. 

"What about?" Sophie asked, even though we both already knew why he was here. 

"I've noticed their are a few things missing in my house, and I have suspected you may have taken them." 

"And why would we do that?" I ask. He raised an eyebrow knowingly. 

"Oh please, don't act dumb. The day you two stopped by my restaurant you had asked me where I live, and you could break into someone's house without getting in trouble." 

"We asked you where we live because we needed solve a murder case that we're working on. Because you were a close friend of the victim we came to for more information. That's all," Sophie answered calmly. 

"So then when I headed to work, why did I see your car parked outside my neighbors house?"

"It could've been anyone's car," I shot back. 

"It's the same as the ones parked outside," he said. 

"Then maybe another colleague of ours went. And I think I know who might've gone. Delilah! Do you mind coming over for a sec," the brunette lady smiled and nodded and made her way over. 

"What can I help with?" 

"We were wondering where you went on your lunch break," Sophie asked. 

"I stopped by a friend of mines house and you look very familiar," she pointed to John, "Oh yes! When I have tea with the Jones, I usually see you watering your flowers!" John's smile faded. 

"So it wasn't our car, it was her car that was parked outside. And we haven't seen, been, or taken anything inside your house." A scowl turned on John's face. 

"I'm going to find out what happened and I'm not going to stop. I know it's you two, and I will find the evidence to prove it," and with that he left the room. I turned to Sophie and Delilah. 

"Were you actually their?" I asked her, and she nodded. "Soph, how did you know she was?" 

"I saw her car parked on a different street and  saw her entering the house. Thank you Delilah," the brown eyed girl smiled. 

"Of course! Now I should really be getting back," and then she walked back to her desk. 

"I think we should hold off on the mission for now. If anything wrong happens, we'll be John's first suspect," Sophie nodded in agreement. 



Hey guys! Another update! And this chapter was quite long! Thank you guys for the reads! I really appreciate it! Once again thank you all for reads and votes! I'll see you all in the next chapter! Byeeeee!

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