Chapter 2

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Sophie's POV

I walked into the office and took a seat at my desk. I went to my emails and clicked on the first one. It turns out it was the DNA result. I walked to Fitz's desk.

"I got the results for the DNA, come check it out," Fitz got up and followed me back to my office. I clicked on the email again and we went through the test.

"Candace Beyers, she's 24, works as a waitress in a restaurant, Providence. Married. Her address is down there. We should check it out." Fitz nodded in agreement. I cleared my desk and Fitz and I headed down to the address. We knocked on the door, seeing a man who looked like he had just woken up.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

"Yes. Detective Foster and Detective Vacker here on a case about Candace Beyers," Fitz said.

"Who? Oh yeah, my wife."

"May we come in?" I ask.

"No." He slammed the door, but Fitz put his foot before it could close.

"Sorry sir but we're going to have to inspect your house," Fitz pushed the door open and we entered the house with several complaints from the man. We let our other colleagues come in as well, inspecting the house.

"I didn't give you consent to do all of this."

"You didn't give us a choice. We have a few questions about your wife."


"How long have you been together?" Fitz asked.

"Dating for 7 years, got married 1 year ago or so." He answered.

"How long has she been gone?" I asked.

"I don't know about a week or so." Me and Fitz shared a look with each other.

"And you didn't say anything to the cops or tried searching for her?" He shrugged in response. "Did she say anything about where she went?"

"For a run, I think. I thought she stayed at a friend's house because we had a small fight before she went out," he answered.

"What was the fight about? Did anything physical happen afterwards?" Fitz asked. He stayed silent.

"No." We both knew he was lying.

"What did you do?"

"None of your business," he said.

"Considering the fact that your wife is missing, I think that this is our business." The man sneered at Fitz. Fitz returned it.

"I may have accidentally hurt her."


"Yes, it was just an act out of anger."

"Did it leave a mark?"

"I'm not sure. I didn't get a chance to talk to her. She had already left." He answered.

"If you thought she was at a friend's house, why didn't you ever contact her or check up on her?" He shrugged.

"Are there any friends of hers that you know of, maybe ask for more information?"

"Her best friend lives just down the street, Brianna Smith." Fitz and I nodded and asked him more questions. I added him to my list of suspects. He acted weird and by the information we had it seems as though their relationship was abusive. He acted weird when he answered the questions, as if he had something to hide. But then again it's never usually the easiest people.

"Did you find anything?" I asked one of the inspectors.

"Come upstairs and see for yourself," Fitz and I quickly went upstairs, to what I think is his bedroom. I saw a brunette sleeping in the bed.

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