Chapter 26: taken

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⚠️TW: kidnapping⚠️

Scarlett's POV
Today me and riley are going shopping and having a girls day, its currently 7am and lizzie just left to go to set and i'm making breakfast for me and riley, i decided on making waffles with bacon and eggs with a fruit bowl of course i'm not expecting riley to eat all of it but it gives her more options on what she want.

Once i had finished making breakfast i headed up to riley's room to wake her up "riley, come on it's time to get up" i said whilst rubbing her back trying to wake her up as she turned over she looked at me then shot up "mama we're having girls day today" she said excitedly throwing herself into my arms which shocked me and she's normally quite grumpy when she wakes up "yes we are baby but we need to have breakfast first and guess what?" I said matching her tone "what?" she said excitedly "i made waffles, bacon, eggs and a fruit bowl" i said which caused her to jump off the bed and drag me downstair.

Riley's POV
As soon as mama told me she made waffles, bacon, eggs and a fruit bowl i go straight out of bed and dragged her downstairs "woah slow down it's not going anywhere" mama giggled as i continued to drag her downstairs, as soon as we got to the kitchen i let go of mama's hand and ran to sit down causing mama to chuckle "now remember you don't need to eat everything just as much as you want, ok?" she said and i nodded digging in first the waffles and bacon then the eggs and last but not least the fruit.

After we had breakfast mama went to get dressed then she came back to help me "do you want to wear shorts or a dress as it's really warm today?" she asked "shorts please mama" i said and she nodded getting out a pair of white shorts and a cute stripy top and then helped me get dressed "right come on we need to get our shoes on then we can go" mama said extending her hand and i grabbed it and walk downstairs, put our shoes on and get in the car "you ready?" mama asked looking back and i gave her a thumbs up and she pulled out the drive.

As we arrived at the mall mama passed me a hat as she put on her own hat and sunglasses and got out the car "remember to keep ahold of my hand, ok baby" she said "ok mama" i said whilst grabbing her hand as we started walking towards the mall, once we were inside we headed over to american eagle "remember if you see something you like just pick it up and put it in the basket" mama reminded me as she grabbed a basket, i had already grabbed two jumpers and a top that i liked and was about to put them in the basket when i realized i couldn't see mama anywhere "mama?" i said getting slightly worried as i started wondering around trying to find her.

Scarlett's POV
As riley was looking at clothes for herself i was looking around for me and lizzie as she asked me this morning if i could get her some more jeans, after i pick up more jeans for lizzie and a couple new tops for myself i realized that riley was no longer next to me "riley?" i shouted trying to find her but after 5 minutes of trying to find her and having no look i went to the check out to ask if they had seen her "excuse me have you seen a little gir with blond hair wearing white shorts and stripy top?" i asked "no i havent but if you want i can talk through the speaker and ask her to come here" she said "yes please her name is riley" i said starting to panic "could riley come the the checkout please" she said through the speakers, after a couple minutes she still hasn't turned up so the woman at the desk called security to look at the footage with me, as we were looking through the footage i spot her and pointed her out but just as i did someone came up behind her and grabbed her and dragged her out the shop as soon as the security saw this the called the police straight away.

After i had calmed down a little bit a call lizzie "lizzie" i sobbed "scar whats wrong?" she asked her voice fulled with concern "someone took riley, shes gone lizzie, i lost her" i sobbed I "scar i need you to tell me where you are" she said "brookfield place" i said trying to calm myself down "ok im on my way" she said and ended the call.

Lizzie's POV
When i got the call from scar we had just finished shooting a scene and as soon as i got off the call joe asked me what was going on so i quickly filled him in then left heading straight to the mall, once i had got to the mall i rushed towards security and found scar sitting in a chair sobbing "oh scar" i say whilst rushing over to her "it's all my fault lizzie if i had of just kept a closer eye on her and not let her out my site she'd be here right now and we'd be on our way home" she sobbed into my arms "scar no it is not your fault, unless you knew someone was going to take her then it's not your fault" i said whilst pulling back looking her in the eyes so she knew i was serious.

About 15 minutes late a police officer came over to us "so we have figured out who took her" he said and we looked at him before continuing "his name is josh cooper and there is already a warrant out for his arrest" he told us causing scarlett to start crying again "why cant he just leave her alone" she sobbed into my neck "we are currently trying to figure out where he would have taken her, but for the meantime you two should head home and we will call you if theres any news" he said as he turned to leave "come on let get home" i said standing up and helping scar up as she could hardly stand up and heading to the car, the car rid was silent only filled with mine and scarlett's sniffles as i try to hold back my tears whilst driving home.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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