"Uh, nothing Mr. Man." 'My child'? That's a new one. "I just wanted to get into their good graces, you know. Make them like me more." You idiot! "But like, nothing too serious, you know, just- just casual breakfast in bed."

Slenderman says nothing, just scrutinizes Jeff under his 'gaze'. A few, very long seconds but before he eventually lets him go. "I do not sense any ill intent from you, nor did I sense it yesterday... very well. I approve of you."

Jeff massages his sore wrist, looking at the other as if the creature has lost his mind. Did he- did he just get a blessing from Slederman? There's no time to think about the lore implications as the monster continues to talk. "I have another task for you."

"Yeah... sure, whatever you want," Jeff answers, sneaking side glances at the other as he continues his breakfast preparation.

"I located a doctor to check Yenne's injury. The only issue is... I am not sure if I can trust him with everything that's been going on." Jeff recalls what Slenderman last told him about the happenings all around the world. Yeah, he wouldn't trust a random guy during times like these either.

"You want to go with them?" He smirks. "Sure, that would be my pleasure-"

"You and Jane, Jeffrey. Miss Arkensaw just returned and I think she will be of great aid for this mission." Jeff pauses in his tracks, seeing red.

"You just said you approve of me-"

"Approval and caution are two different things." Slenderman shoots him down. "I do not wish to risk it, especially with Yenne. And from what I have heard, Jane and Yenne get along pretty well. I do not see the problem with you three going together."

"Boss, come on~" Jeff whines, defensively raising his arms. "Why Jane? That hag will try to murder me or something! Not to mention-" A memory of Jane's hand on your thigh flashes through his mind. There's no need to sugarcoat it, he is jealous.

"Here's the address." Slenderman cuts him off, not caring what the other has to say as a small, bloodied card materializes in front of them. "Say hi to Yenne for me." And as Jeff goes to grab it - Slenderman teleports away.

"Goodbye to you too." Mutters Jeff to the empty room, feeling resigned. He brings the card to his eyes, trying to decipher the almost illegible letters. "Dr... Smiley?" He chuckles. "He's one of those, I see."

He continues to laugh until a faint smell of burnt eggs reaches his nose. "Oh fuck, the omelett-"

- - -

You wake up to the smell of something burnt and a close-up of a man with a scarred face, staring at you. This time, Jeff is not 'on' you, he's just leaning over your bed, looking almost eager for you to wake up.

The talk you had with Jane yesterday helped you reevaluate some things. Normally, your gut reaction would be to punch the man for invading your privacy like that, but now... well, let's say you no longer want to punch him with your fist.

"Jeff, what is this?" You ask, yawning as you adjust the mask on your face. You sit up and notice that the burnt smell is coming from the plate in Jeff's hands- "What is that?"

"That was supposed to be an omelet." The man admits, nervously scratching the back of his head. "I think I overdid it a bit with the carbon... but I'm sure it's still edible!" He chuckles, offering you the plate. "Consider this an apology for all the attempted murder. And the other things." He mumbles the last part, suddenly unable to meet your gaze. "Just wanted to make sure that my intentions are clear and you know that I don't hate you, or anything like that."

You're thankful for the mask covering your face, because... what? Jeff the Killer's love language is acts of service? Heat rushes to your cheeks at the word; let's not jump to conclusions, this isn't like that... right?

"Thanks, Jeff." You reply, taking the plate and fork from his hand. "And don't worry, I forgive you. I wasn't even that mad anyway; playfighting with you is kinda fun. We have to spar sometime - actual sparring, not just tug of war."

You two share a small laugh, and as you reach towards your mask to remove it and eat your meal, you suddenly remember that Jeff is sitting right in front of you. "Um, could you-"

"Oh yeah, got it." Jeff says, turning around without another word. He.. he actually started to respect your privacy. Jane was right, you can't help but think, the bar is on the floor. Still, you do appreciate that he's actually trying. It's... very thoughtful.

You take off your mask and place it on your lap. You make sure to scrap off all the excess carbon off your eggs before taking a bite of the omelet. "Okay, minus the coal, this is actually quite good."

"Of course it's nice, I made it!" Jeff sounds so proud of himself, like a dog who just brought you back a stick. It truly brings a smile to your face.

When you finish eating, you put your mask back on, tapping Jeff on the shoulder so that he knows he can look again. "So, what are your plans for today?"

"Funny you mention that, sugar." You and Jeff turn around, your eyes meeting with no other than Jane as she leans on the doorway. "We're taking you to the doctor."

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