Marching July

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It's been almost one month since I'm involved the Cartel, as a "Black-Cliff" which I found out is the "speed" of the underworld, everyone depends on it.

Some things have changed, I've met some new people, Sierra, Bernard and Puerto

Sierra is between 19 and 25, I don't really know, I don't have the courage to ask this for now, I saw what he did to a spy-dealer, so that is a big nono.

She is 190cm, pretty skinny, the funny thing is that she is stronger than me, she has purple eyes and semi-blonde hair, pretty color if you ask me, she is into pop culture and funko-pop figurines.

Bernard is the biggest guy around here, he is 210cm tall, short spikey black hair, with stripes on the sides, he talks 9 languages and is a champion clash-wise, he carries us, besides being full of muscle with his suit almost tearing apart every time he wears it, Casper actually beats him in skanderbeg, 92-1, Bernard lost this many times because he doesn't like to lose.

Puerto is our accountant, he takes care of the Cartel's cash, and he is one of the most trust worthy of this branch, best friend with Taido... .He has dreads on his head, like full dreads, full grown beard and black-tinted sun glasses, 3 earrings in one of his ears and one golden ring. He likes Asian food and riddles, for example

"Hey, Teke, what is at the end of a raindow? The letter W, HAHAHAH! -Puerto

And he always laughs before nobody does... but I quite like him, he is a great guy, sometimes he brings sweets in at the base.

"Teke, Hideo, want some DEVILS TONGUE!

"Whaa, what is that??" -asked Hideo

And without us knowing we each put one candy in our mouth

-IT BUWNS IT BUWNS (it burns, it burns), AUCH AUCH, hey what is that, a scorpion?" -said Hideo taking the popsicle out of his mouth and changing he subject

-IS IS (It is it is) -said Teke with the popsicle in his mouth

-MIK MIK MIK( milk milk milk) -said Hideo with his tongue swollen

They finished 4 milk bottles...

-AHAhaha, you guys are funny, I'll give you that, like Stan and Bran, you know those guys, oh man I'm dead" -said Puerto laughing so hard he can't stop crying.

-NOOOO! AGAIN! AGAIN! -screamed Bernard from the outside

Everyone went out to see what happened

-Maybe next year, Bernard -said Casper putting his hand on Bernard's shoulder

-NO! I TRAINED FOR THIS! -screamed Bernard

-Uuh, what's the score now? -asked Hideo looking at them and talking to Puerto

-DAMMIT! -said Bernard losing again at skanderbeg and hitting the table three times and throwing away the chair

He likes to scream...

-Teke, Hideo, Gerrar, Taido wants to talk to you, come outside -said Sierra

She is so beautiful, I don't know what is she doing in a place like this, she deserves better.

-Why just us? -asked Hideo -exclaimed Hideo to Sierra

-Beats me, come! -said Sierra

*Beep boop*

Ooh, Sara,

"What is my OG doing? :< "

"The first "Beyond the Wind" movie got dropped, it's premiere is on Sunday, wanna come, I saw the trailer, but no spoilers, I promise, what do you say?"-Sara

"For sure, we could meet up, but only if we go to Graga's afterwards" -said Teke

"Oop, romantic dinner?" -asked Sara

"Haha, nah, just a hangout" -said Teke

"Oh... alright :)), well see you on Sunday, oki? -said Sara

"Will be there!" -said Teke

":3"  -Sara

What the hell is wrong with me-Teke closing his phone and grabbing his face with his palms.

At the outside door:

"New mission for you three" -Taido 

"Mission? FINALLY!!"-exclaimed Hideo happily

"You need to get some packages from the boys that live in the street down near the coffe shop on, Gerrar knows where" -said Taido

"Sir, yes sir"!  -exclaimed Teke and Hideo

They went on food till there.. it was pretty close.

After 35 minutes...

"Boy oh boy, Gerrar are you bored, we've been walking for like three hours, you said it was close!" -exclaimed Hideo

"We are walking for like 30 minutes" -said Teke looking at Hideo

"Cardio is essential, don't forget, this is why we're walking until there" -said Gerrar with a serious look on his face

"Fine, here, take two protein bars..." -said Gerrar with a quick smile

"Thanks dude" -said Teke

"Thank you, very... much" -said Hideo taking a bow

Gerrar looked at him very confused...

"Is this the one, finally" -said Teke seeing the targeted place

"It is." -said Gerrar

*After 5 minutes*

"Well, that was pweety quick" -said Hideo

"Because Gerrar played with a gun until they got the stuff for us..." -said Teke annoyed

"I tried a new trick I saw on Wetube"-said Gerrar slightly amused

Hideo and Teke looked at them with grumpy angry and judging eyes.

"What?" -asked Gerrar shocked

They continued looking

"Wha-hat??" -asked Gerrar again slightly almost laughing, just a little chuckle

"Okay, it's enough, let's get back" -said Teke

The three of them went back on foot...

*Well... it could be worse, I kinda got a liking to these guys and not all of them are that bad. Back then, at the chips factory, Hideo told me:

"You need to go with the flow, you need to, don't do nothing, just be a fish in the river, get going with the horde." 

I realized I should be one with them and continue my time in this Cartel, with the others.

Cartel or NothingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon