The yard

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It's smelly, like fresh chopped wood, sawdust? Yeah, that's it.

It's very itchy, it's poking my face like hay is poking your palm when you need to move it.

Why is it so dark? Again, c'mon man, not agai- Thought Teke having his head covered with a hay mask. I don't know where they get those, I didn't even know those exist, anyway.

"Uuu, it's bright, right? It is because it's day... and because you've got that on your head for like 4 hours" Said Sett jokingly

"4 hours? What did we do in 4 hours?" Asked Teke

"We arrived at the destination" said Gerrar

Taido listened to their little conversation while reaching his hand in his back-pocket reaching for his gun.

"Now... dig." Said Taido loading his gun and pointing at Teke's head

"Here is the shovy, take it" -Said Sett smiling at him

"Why don't you say shovel? Why always complicate things dawg?" -Said Gerrar almost annoyed

"Because it loosens the situation a little bit" -Said Hideo still smiling

"Loosens the situation my as-... -said Gerrar being intrerrupted by the look of Taido at him. He looked pretty pissed to be honest, and he didn't even try.

"Sorry, Taido" -Told Gerrar to Taido while looking at the ground being intimidated

What should I do with this? Why did they take me here, what should I do, did I get nominated for a new janitor in the junk yard? Is this suppose to mean, that I dig my OWN GRAVE?!

-Teke's inner voice arguing with himself, searching for an escape plan ASAP.

So, Teke started to dig, and dig and dig and dig, until it was almost sunset, the sky looked very darkin, almost like a nightfall, but without the stars. He reached a bunch of rocks and pebbles impossible to shove trough.

"It's enough"- Said Taido lowering his gun

"What should I do know?" asked Teke

"Lay down, PUNK!  -said Gerrar pissed off, nobody knows why, that's just him.

"Hey, what's there? A bird? A plane? No, it's sup..."

A gunshot could be heard in the whole surroundings, making all the birds immigrate to another city.

"Don't make nothing harder than it is" -said Taido pointing the gun again at him.

Teke came back to the three of them and went down to the bottom of the pit, laying down, imagining he was in his bed, after a long day of skating with his friends, a long day of annoying old people off, a long day of tricks, a long day of... fun.


Teke suddenly got up, as Michael Myers did in the movies, damn he was invincible.

"What was that, why didn't you take his phone away?" -asked Taido

"Sorry, Taido, I didn't know he had one on him" -said Sett

"You should've known dammit"-said Gerrar

Taido was in the possession of the phone, after taking it away and seeing his messages.

"Hey, bruuh, wanna hang out tght at the lake again? I've got Neon Genesis Evanghelion on tape, can you believe it? It was sold out after 4 days, but I've got one, you can't miss this, I promo"

-Taido reading what Sara wrote him earlier

"This... is, who is she? Are you Teke?" -asked Taido

"It doesn't matter anymore, I will be one with papa now, so what is the point" -said Teke sobbing little by little trying to hide his feelings of sadness and fear.

"Do you like this women?" asked Taido

"Yes... I do, but, you know, we c-can figure something out...right? It doesn't have to get to this" -said Teke trying to do a trade and lowering the intensity of the situation.

"How old are you, Teke?" asked Taido gently

"I am seventeen" -said Teke turning his head little by little

"Say, Teke, forget about the money, I am now sure that you had nothing to do with them, do you want to do a gig for me? In and out, no big deal, you help me with something and we will forget everything that happened here" -Taido talking to Teke like Teke is his baby.

After what he said, Teke FLEW out of the hole and jumped right at Taido's shoes thanking him... a little bit.

"Really?! OMG OMG OMG, you won't regret thi-hi-hiiis, I promi-hi-hisee" -Teke sobbing hardly and uncontrollably"

What the heeeeeee- That is what Gerrar and Hideo we're probably thinking about when they saw Teke's reaction

"Guys, can you get him off me, he's getting a little stiffy on me"

"Sir, yes sir" -Said Both of them lunging Teke from their leader, Taido.

Taido after that took a napkin to wipe all the mucus, tears and saliva Teke left on his shoes.

A black van with tinted black windows came approaching from the road inside the forest approaching very fast.

African registration number? Who are these guys? -Teke's inner thought 

A man in a black suit, with white vertical white lines opened the door for them.

Another man came out after wards out of the van, bald head, tiny chin beard and a arm-length staff with a diamond tiny orb impregnated in the top of the staff and wears 4 total golden rings.

"Uuuh, I see you're not coffin-cousins with grandpapa, well then, the job offer." Said Herald the Juul with a mix of shock, intimidation, jokes and confidence.

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