Chapter Seven pt1

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Y/N's Memories
I was in a room with my mom babbling happily. My mom had aburren hair and green eyes. I crawled over to her I loved the way she cuddled me. She picked me up I looked up at her. "Mama," I said. She looked at me shocked. "What did you say?" she asked. "Mama Mama Mama," I said over again happily. She was so happy I didn't know why but I was so glad she was happy. "I can't believe you said your first words Детка (baby). "I love you  so much sweetheart don't ever forget that. I don't know if you can understand me but I love you," my mom said. One day I was taken away from my mom. She tried fight the the people off that took me but couldn't. I cried out to her then I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my neck and cried then I blacked out.
I woke up in a room I didn't know where I was. I was so scared and cried out for my mom. Someone stuck a cloth in my mouth so my cries were muffled. They stuck things into me and I cried. I was kept in a room away from my mom I wanted my mom so bad. Someone came into that room and grabbed me and took me to another building far away from my mom. I fussed the person tried to calm me down but it didn't work. All I wanted was my mom I was set in a crib in a room.
I stayed in there  for six months before two  people came and took me to their house. I didn't want to be there I cried everyday. One day the two people took me to a building.  The two people  are talking to another person. They said,"We need erase her memory she can't  remember anything about the red room and her mother Natasha Romanoff who escaped the red room and then destroyed it. We will be her parents," the two said. The other person said I agree, place her in-front of the screen in the other room. I was picked up and placed in a different room. I was put in a high chair.They turned on a screen and I was intrigued so I looked at the screen suddenly a light flashed in front of me.
I talked in my sleep, "Natasha Romanoff is my mother. Mama Mama! I promise I'll find you again I promise," I said. I woke up an hour later,  I looked around the room and sat up looking at everyone. I locked my eyes with Natasha. "Mama is that you?" I asked scared. Natasha looked at me for a moment. "No that can't be my y/n. My y/n died when she was one years old," she said. "I can prove it to you that I'm yours. You used to call me Детка (baby) when I was a baby. You also told me that you loved me and to never forget that you loved me. And I remember the day I was tak."  She cut me off by wrapping her arms around me. I wrapped my arms around her not wanting to ever let go. I missed her so much. "I missed you Mama," I said with tears steaming down my face. "I missed you too Детка (baby)," she said as she pulled back wiping my tears away. "I remember everything you, a place called the red room. Also that Adam and Martha erased my memories of you. They still are my parents but I want you to be my parent please," I asked her. "Tony can you check if any of y/n's adoptive family is still alive?" she asked. "Can you please not call them family. They are the people who raised me nothing more. By the way who's Tony?" I asked her. "He's the guy in the black vest over there by the door," my mom told me. My mom then introduced me to everyone. "I'm sorry that made you pass out," Wanda said. "It's ok Wanda," I said. "What other powers do you have," Bruce asked me. "Um I can control the elements and I have super hearing," I replied. "That's amazing. By the way I will have to do some tests make sure your healthy," he said.
"O ok," I said stuttering. "When are we doing this Bruce," my mom asked. "As soon as possible." Bruce tells her. "I'll do it now," I said. "You sure you want to do this right now baby?" my mom asked. "Yes, I want to do it now so I can get over with," I reply. "Ok," my mom said. Bruce asked everyone to leave except for my mom. He quickly took a cotton swab and swab the inside of my mouth. Bruce had it tested well he waited for the results he did some other tests. He also took care of my bruises and wounds I got from Hydra. "Y/N is malnourished and dehydrated but other than that she's  healthy. I would like to see her back her in two weeks to see how she's doing," Bruce told my mom. "I'm kind of hungry can I have something to eat," I asked timidly. "Yeah let's get you something to eat," my mom said. I hoped off the bed and grabbed onto her hand and I tried to walk but then I fell. Are you ok?" she asked concerned. Yeah I'm ok I just forgot that I have a sprained ankle," I said. Do you want me carry you or do you want a wheelchair?" she asked. "I want you to carry me please," I answered.
She picked me up and she started to walk out when Bruce stopped her. "I have the the DNA test results and Nat you are y/n"s mother congrats," Bruce said. "I told you guys that already," I said. "I know but we just wanted to confirm it," Bruce said. "Ok can I get something to eat now I'm starving," I said. "Thanks Bruce. Let's get you something to eat," my mom said. She walked into a kitchen and set me down in a chair. "What do you want to eat y/n?" Nat asked me. "Um I would love to eat macaroni and cheese with hot sauce or a peanut butter sandwich. They've always been one my favorite foods. You can choose for me," I told her. She chuckles, "You remind me of my sister Yelena. She loves macaroni and cheese with hot sauce," my mom told me. "Is she nice?" I asked curious. "Yes, she is very nice I'll introduce you to her soon. Peanut butter sandwiches are my favorite too," she says well making me macaroni and cheese. "That's cool by the way thanks for making me food Mama," I said. "No problem baby, how about we order some clothes for you after you eat?"she asks. "Sure thank you for all of this," I say. "Your welcome," Nat said. "Can you eat with me it's ok if you don't want to," I quietly asked. "Sure I'll eat with you," my mom said.
After we ate the food we went to her room and get on her laptop. We looked at some clothes. It took a while to pick out some clothes that I liked my mom ordered them. The clothes would be here by tomorrow afternoon. "Thank you for getting me new clothes mama," I say a little tired. "Your Welcome Детка (baby). Why don't you get some sleep," she says to me. "Ok I guess," I say nervous but try to hide it. "I'll be here when you wake up Милый (sweetheart)," she said. "Ok mama," I said feeling calmer knowing that she would be here when I wake up. I feel asleep next to my mom feeling safe.

A/n Hope you enjoy 😊🍪🎈

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