Chapter 1

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Date unknown to y/n

I was sitting in my cell at a Hydra base, I have been there for a long time but I have no idea how long I just know it's been at least 6 months when I was taken my whole family was killed. My eighteen year old brother Jackson, my fifteen year old brother Kingston, my sister Regan who was two years older than me she was fourteen and my little eight year old sister Micki, my seven year old sister Emery, my three year old sister Navy, and then my one year old brother Jude. My parents were the first ones to be killed my mother's name was Megan thirty-eight and my father's name was Adam he was forty-two. All gone I was never going to see them again I don't even know if they got funeral, or if my aunts uncles or grandmas are still alive. They could have been killed by Hydra too. I was beat badly and barely fed. I just want to leave this place or maybe I can kill myself  and get this to end. But before I get a chance to think about anything else a few guards come into my cell. "Get up we're bring you to a new location," the guards told me. I get up quickly and they put handcuffs on my wrists and basically drag me out.

A/n I hope you enjoy  😀

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