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Ciara Williams

3 months later

Still haven't heard from Zane which was devastating. But it's not a first I had to care for me and my daughter.

We did our normal routine. She goes to school,  I work from home since surprise I'm 3 months pregnant.

I know wow, lame surprise but I'm happy. So is Eden, she can't wait to be a big sister. She was the first I told. I was hoping Zane would call but nope.

There was a knock on the door making me close my computer and sit up. I pulled Zane's large t shirt over my legs to where you really couldn't see my belly since I was only 3 months.

I opened the door revealing Zane with red roses. "Daddy's home-"

I quickly shut the door in his face and went back to work. Daddy's home my ass, no call, nothing! You have phone hours and he did not once call me.

He opened the door and closed it with a grumble, "do not throw attitude. You were in there for months and no call? You couldn't call your girlfriend or daughter?" I stated as I focused on my computer screen.

"About that." He chuckled hesitantly. "I got my phone rights took because a motherfucker thought he could run me over. Just because I'm white don't mean I'm no punk. Beat him with the phone ended up having no phone time, no freedom. Just cell and eat. Which I never did." He stated and I looked back at him before rolling my eyes.

"Well welcome home." I softly said and he grumbled making me look back over to see him with his eyes lowered.

"Don't give me that look." I said and he walked over to me and gave me a large kiss on my forehead before my lips.

I slowly pulled away catching my breath. Oh how I missed his lips. "Yes I did kill him. I shot him. I couldn't stand what he did to you both. He got what he deserved." He quietly said before pecking my lips.

"Well Zane the news been all over you. You going to jail." I softly said and he shrugged. "I don't care what they think of me about going to jail. You both needed justice. You needed justice and you got it. He's dead." Zane said and I sighed.

"What's the matter mama." He asked and I stood up and sighed. "The matter is you've been gone for months." I softly said before revealing my bump making him freeze.

"How long are you Ciara." He stammered over his words. "3 months and 2 weeks. I was a month and we didn't even know." I softly said and he quickly got on his knees and sobbed.

"Our baby. Your pregnant! Does Eden know?" He asked and I nodded. He wheeped out and rubbed my belly, "our child. We're having a baby! With my last name!" He excitedly said making me giggle.

"No more stairs, no more nothing for you. Sit." He softly said but I shook my head. "Zane I spent 2 months and some change without you. Walking up and down the stairs. I'm fine." I softly said and he shook his head.

"Well I'm here. You've been on your feet way to much." He sat me on the couch before wiping his tears.

"Zane. I've been pregnant once. Those 9 months carrying Eden by myself was hard. Kinda made me think while you were in jail is the same thing going to repeat." I whispered and he quickly got on his knees and looked me in my eyes.

"Even if I was in jail I would not leave you to raise our baby alone. I fought to get out of jail baby, spent 2 million just to get the most high end lawyer there is in New York. I fought to get out for my girls. They were sentencing me to 50 years but obviously I wasn't having that. I knocked you up and I'm staying besides you the whole way." He reassured and grabbed my hands making me nod.

He quickly kissed my forehead before my lips making my hands fall to his neck. He smirked against my lips before pulling away.

"We're having a baby!" He exclaimed before rubbing my belly and smothering them with kisses.

"Baby? You mean babies." I corrected and his eyes widen. "How many are we talking. 2,3?" He asked.

"3." I said rubbing my belly and his eyes widen, "do you know the gender?" He asked again and I nodded, "all girls." I softly said and he held onto his heart.

"My bank account." He softly said making me bust out laughing. "I'm joking Zane. 2 boys." I softly said and he jumped up and ran around in excitement.

"Your not joking are you?" He asked and I shook my head making him cup my cheeks and kiss me all over me yelling in excitement.

"Where's my phone?" He repeated over and over digging in his pockets making me laugh out from his reaction.

He held his phone up to his ear as he had a huge smile on his face, "mama! Mama, your going to be grandmother of 3 now!" He announced and he placed the phone on speaker making me here her loud scream.

I giggled out, "two boys mama!" He exclaimed making me smile from how adorable his smile was.

"Congratulations!" His mother said, "thank you." I shouted out back. "Alright mama I'll call you later, love you." He quickly said before hanging up once his month said her love you back.

He rushed over to me as I sat on the couch wiggling my feet. He smothered me with kisses before smiling from ear to ear.


I walked up the stairs with popcorn and m&ms in my hands. Eden would not leave her papa alone!

I opened our room door to see Eden and Zane sleep while princess and the frog watched them. Eden resting her head on his chest.

I smiled to myself before rushing to snap a pic. Eden clearly had a lot of sugar just by the dried chocolate all over her face.

I love my family.


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