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Ciara Williams

"Hey everyone." I greeted as I walked into my old childhood home with Eden. Eden ran away probably to abuse the dog. She keeps asking for a dog but she's to young maybe when she's older.

"Hey sweetie, how are you?." My mother asked and I hummed, "you know holding my own." I smiled and hugged my mother. She hummed and swayed us before pulling away.

"As you should, where's bug?" My mother Cecile asked. "Ran off. Probably went to abuse Lucy." I giggled and she sighed and shook her head.

"Just how you used to. We're cooking chicken, sweet potatoes you know all the soul foods." My mother informed and I nodded slightly drooling from the smells entering my nose.

"Where's dad? Kiara?" I asked and she pointed to the kitchen making me nod again. "How's everything been going with Adam?" My mother asked and I sighed before running my hands down my face.

"It's hard mom. It really is. A few days ago, I went to pick up Eden from daycare and he shows up demanding to see her. Of course I tell him you know I have a restraining order on you get the hell back. He didn't imply and went to open the car door not once but twice. I got so fed up I maced him. While bug saw everything." I softly said and she sighed and shook her head.

"Last court day is next week. We all know your going to have full custody of Eden. If he breaks the restraining order he's being put into jail. Or I'll be the next one in a cell. I don't play around when it comes to mine, I'll be on bond the day." My mother spat and I rolled my eyes before chucking.

"Mom please." I giggled as we walked over to the kitchen to see Kiara- my sister  and her boyfriend cooking together assuming was the greens. My father and bug working on the gumbo I'm assuming. It's a whole bunch of different dishes going on.

"Hey, hey, hey." I greeted and Kiara squealed and ran over to me." She tightly hugged me before pulling away. "Okay look at miss figure. Getting thick now." She said making me laugh out.

"It's the carbs." I sId and my sister joined in on the laughter. "Hey Simon." I gave a wave and he waved back before focusing on the greens.

He's a little anti social and there's nothing wrong with it.

"Dad!" I hugged him from behind and he chuckled as bug sat on the counter messing with spices.

"Hey baby girl. How are you?" He asked and I smiled from ear to ear, "holding up. Holding down my ground" I said And my dad hummed.

"That's right. Anything happened with Adam recently?" My father asked and I sighed before shaking my head.

"Let me fill you in."


Bug pulled out her toy as everyone sat around as everyone started cleaning up and packing away the food.

"Eden who bought you that? Mommy?" Kiara asked as I wiped off the counters but bug shook her head.

"Special guy did!" Bug exclaimed and when I tell you Kiara, dad, mom, and Simon whipped their head over towards me in confusion.

"This random man bought her toy because I didn't want to buy it for her since she has to many. She gave the puppy eyes and was about to cry until he surprised her outside the store." I confessed before continuing to clean off the counter.

"And he's special because..." Kiara added and I stopped and looked over at her, "he's special because he has heterochromia. One blue eye one brown one." I stated and Kiara smirked before raising her hand to cover her mouth but to where I can only see.

"He must be cute." She mouthed and I smiled before continuing, "babe you know I'm right next to you. You aren't slick." Simon laughed out and Kiara hit him with the towel gently.

"I know that, I'm just trying to get the tea out of a sista. Now get to cleaning." Kiara softly said making me chuckle to myself.


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