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Zane Marcelo

"C?" I rushed over to her and quickly kneeled down to her as she wiped her tears, "what if I fail as a mother Zane?" She whispered as tears fell down her beautiful face.

I furrowed my eyebrows and cupped her cheeks, "don't speak like that. Your doing a amazing job at raising her." I sternly said and she looked away.

"Look at me and tell me your the best mother ever." I sternly said again and she slowly looked over at me.

I raised my eyebrow waiting for her response, "I'm the best mother ever." She croaked and I shook my head.

"Say it like you mean it dammit." I said and she took a sigh, "I'm the best mother ever Zane." She grew louder making me smile.

"Atta girl Cmere." I softly said and hugged her tightly. She pulled away slowly, "I'm also on my period. I didn't have an appetite because I've been having cramps. The food smelt lovely though." She whispered.

"Oh, babe you should have told me. I would have took care of you." I softly said and picked her up.

"Z, I've spent all these years caring after mysel-"

"But I want to change that. I really want to take care after you and Eden. I don't want you to take care of yourself anymore, let me take over. You need the rest baby." I whispered and sat her in bed.

"I've also got m&ms, popcorn and watermelon if you wanted any food to put in your stomach. "Watermelons please." She softly said and I gave a nod before getting the tub of watermelon and hanging it to her.

I turned on the tv to the Cleveland brown show which was both our favorite adult swim show. Gives us a good laugh.

She munched on the watermelon as I dipped on my side of the bed. I took off my shirt and tossed it to the ground before laying down; placing my hands behind my head.

She gently nudged me making me look over to see her offering me a bite but I shook my head, "you eat." I whispered and she nodded before placing the bowl of watermelon down.

I wrapped my arm around her as she snuggled into my warmth, "Adrian is going to be upset im calling off of work but I have too. I can't take the pain." She softly said making me stroke her cheek.

"He should understand... if he doesn't then I'll have a word with him." I said and Ciara opened her mouth but to say something but she kept her mouth shut same with her eyes.

She whined quietly and moved away from me making me instantly reach for her but she smacked me away.

"Ciara." I sat back up and she raised her hand up making me take a deep exhale before laying down.

Next morning

"No Eden it's Pancake con gocce di cioccolato."(chocolate chip pancakes.)

"Pancake con gocce di cioccolato." She repeated and I gave a smile before high-fiving her.

"Voglio il succo.( I want the juice.) she said and I arched my eyebrow, "Per favore.(please.)" she added and I slid the juice over to her with a smile.

Her Italian is getting better only in a day, she's a smart girl. Very smart for her age.

"Special can I do your hair pretty please?" Eden asked making me look over at her with a arched eyebrow.

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