Chapter 1| Mud Faced Monster

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It happened again.
Just like the last time...and the time before that.

I woke with a start and cursed myself for getting up too quickly. By now, this has all become somewhat of a routine of sorts. Next came the part where I tried to think through the fog of my massive headache. I tried to figure out where the hell I was and how I got here. Just like before, I looked around a bit, then I slid open the purple shower curtain and took in the matchbox sized bathroom that only seemed to be big enough for the toilet, basin and tub... the very tub currently occupied by yours truly.
For the third time in three weeks.

Now, usually I'd stumble out, grab the pink overstuffed pillow—that Chloe was nice enough to set up for me in here for comfort—and then make my way into the lounge or her room. Today however, I slowly slid the curtain back into place and settled back into the softness of her pink pillow. Tubs were actually quite comfortable to chill in. I mean, if I ignored the fact that the bottom half of my body was folded into a half of it's own, then yeah. I guess It wasn't so bad. The tub also makes for an excellent vomit-catcher and saves everyone a hell of a lot of time cleaning up. It was the sole reason Chloe insisted I sleep in here on nights like last night. Judging by the lack of vomit and muted headache, I know I must not have downed too many shots. Still, I was in no rush to move from this sacred spot just yet. I stretched out each of my legs and planted my feet up against the wall above the faucet, just so the discomfort of having them bent throughout the night could ease up. After a few minutes my eyes grew heavy as sleep came along to claim me for the second time this morning.

The sound of a toilet flushing pulled me from my sleep. I blinked sluggishly and stared at my feet that were still propped up against the wall. I held my breath and patiently waited for the person who just used the toilet to leave, so I could get the hell out of dodge. The faucet at the basin turned on and off again, all while the sweetest voice sounded out in the small space. I couldn't place the song- it was one I've never heard before, but her tone was beautiful enough for me to relax, wanting to hear just a little more even though I knew I should have forced a cough or... something, to give her a head's up that she wasn't alone.
For some reason, I didn't make a sound. Instead, I waited, not wanting to interrupt anything.

"Made up of hope and meditation
Love, imagination
Water my creation
Baby it's amazing
All the days I'm facing
Nothing seems to faze me
Coz I, am confidently lost
I don't need you to find me..."

The subtle sound of the lock clicking into place caused me to sit up quickly, causing my feet to come down hard. They crashed against the faucet, knocking over the body wash and hair products that had been arranged on the lip of the tub in a neat row.
"Sssshit..." I hissed.
I braced myself for the high pitched screaming that was sure to follow, but everything was eerily quiet. The silence lasted so long, I was starting to think this girl's flight mode was so good I must have missed the sound of her running out of here. I was so convinced that I was the only one left in this bathroom, that I reached for the curtain with the intention of peeling it back and running out of here like my ass was on fire. However, just as I was about to grab a hold of it, the curtain flung open.

A girl with a mess of hair and some sort of dried mud mask covering her entire face stared down at me with wide, crazy eyes. She scared the fuck out of me and so naturally, I shrieked like a little bitch. I swear to God, the sound that came out of my mouth was about 3 octaves higher than my usual pitch, and entirely unrecognizable even to my own ears. The mud faced monster let out a screech similar to my own and then jumped back against the door and pointed a toilet brush out between us like she was wielding some type of weapon.

"What the fuck!" She screamed.
I shut my pie hole and scanned her from top to foot with eyes stretched wide. She wasn't wearing much of anything, yet she wasn't even trying to cover herself up. I couldn't see her face, not really, and I couldn't remember her name but I knew exactly who she was. There was no mistaking that angry voice, messy hair, and chubby physique. Although, chubby suddenly didn't seem like the proper adjective to apply to her anymore. She was not chubby. Definitely on the thicker side, but fuuuuck me.

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