Mara hadn't struck me as the affectionate type. Not until this stupid agreement I made with her to be a wing man for her unreciprocated crush on a girl I didn't know existed till she couldn't stop blabbering on about her all day every day.

I wasn't sure how I felt about the girl. I hadn't met her at all. Truthfully, she felt like a made up ghost story that Mara made up if not for Ellie's excellent social skills and a knack for knowing all the gossip that goes around campus like the flu.

Until we made our contract with predetermined rules, I realised something oddly familiar the night we discussed our fake dating trope.

From the moment we decided on attending each other's social engagements, to walking in the halls, and flirting with each other like we were twelve and in love, it felt like a scene out of To All the Boys I Loved Before. Kudos to Jenny Han for getting me to watch an entire coming of age rom-com without turning it off. Watching a movie without complaining comes rather rare for me.

But if I'm being truthfully honest, it was definitely a movie come to life. I'd say it was my own silly Y/N moment, or whatever they call that these days. I felt a lot like Lara Jean; in some fake contractual relationship with Peter Kavinsky that was never meant to happen. Fortunately for Lara Jean, my sister pulled an athletic boyfriend with half a brain and the ability to socialise outside.

Yet in my unfortunate case, my Peter is played by none other than the champion of the season; Mara Jace Kim in all her glory. Which then poses the question: how the hell did we get here?

"Hey there champion," I chuckle weakly. "You certainly kicked ass out there today. Like always."

"So I did great?" Mara held me so close that I could feel her breath against my neck. Gosh. A moment like this should not cause my heart to work in such irregular conditions. "Are you proud of me? I did my best for you out there. I knew you'd be watching. Had to make you proud."

I turn around with utmost haste. "That shouldn't have to be something you need to ask, Jace. When have I ever been less than proud? Everyday I feel this way for you. You're a superstar, MJ."

My words had formed an instant smile on MJ's face. A warm and genuine smile that caused my heart to thrum violently against my chest.

"You always have the right words to say, don't you? And look! You're wearing my jacket," Her smile turns into a sheepish grin. "It suits you."

I shake my head in disapproval. "It's yours, Jace. It's not meant to suit me," I answer. "But I'll admit that it's certainly comfy. And it smells really nice."

El purses her lips and raises her brows. "Well, you know what, I think I'll catch up with you two 'lovebirds' later," She winks. "My friends are calling me I suppose they miss me already..." El turns on her heels before I had the chance to curse her hame for lying in the most public setting. No one called for her. And lovebirds, really? If I didn't love the kid I'd smack her.

"It's your favourite, right?" Mara cups my face and squishes my cheeks. "Gosh, you're adorable."

I furrow my brows. "My favourite?"

Mara nods. "My perfume. You said it you liked it once after I switched from the old one I used to shower in," She chuckles. "I don't use anything else. If you like it then I love it that much more."

I felt my cheeks flush. "You're seriously wearing a perfume that I said smelt really nice on you?"

"Now it's my turn to say that this shouldn't even have to be a question. If you like it then so do I and I'll wear whatever my girl wants." She adds.

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