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"Is Soobin home yet?" Taehyun asked, as him and Kai entered the house.
Yeonjun sat close with Nari on the couch, just enjoying her company. She wasn't pushing him off, despite all the oddities and strange new worlds she had been introduced too.

But Yeonjun supposed she was just exhausted and recovering, as he glanced back at Taehyun.
"Did he not come with you guys? He wasn't with Gyu." Yeonjun said, as Taehyun shook his head.

"Usually he comes home late. He's probably getting more b-" Beomgyu came and punched Kai as he doubled over in pain.

"Hey! That's not nice!" Huening Kai exclaimed, but on finally noticing the half-conscious girl on the couch, he went quiet.

"Oh. Sorry. My bad. Either way, I'm sure he's fine." Huening Kai said, as he made his way to the kitchen, grabbing and finishing a blood bag within 3 seconds.

Beomgyu looked skeptical, but shook his head with a small smile. "You're probably right. But either way I'll track him down and let you guys know. Saying the wolves will be trying to drive us out of town again, it's best to stay alert."

Yeonjun laughed. "Right. And who put you in charge, Gyu?"

Beomgyu just glared at him silently, before going up to his bedroom, the door closing with a click.

Both Taehyun and Kai went off their own seperate ways as well, as Yeonjun just lay his head back on the couch.

"You're going to make me forget about this, aren't you? I feel like there are so many holes in my memories.. and they all circulate around you." Nari said softly, as Yeonjun just sighed.
"It's for your safety. Or maybe I'm selfish. But I will let you leave knowing about Hyunjin and his friends. It's for your safety, so you can avoid them. I'm a bit worried about Soobin's disappearance. Did you see him today?" Yeonjun asked, as Nari just nodded.

"Yeah, he came to tell me where you had gone. All the way to Canada for me? Really?" Nari asked, just looking at Yeonjun in awe as he smiled, cupping her cheeks.

"You wouldn't really understand, but you make me feel so alive, Nari, so of course." He said, before visibly cringing. "Ew, I'm so sorry. But anyways, I couldn't do that assignment if you had died, so." He said, shaking his hand as he pulled away awkwardly.

Yeonjun didn't know why he suddenly felt so flustered. Was it because she kissed him? No. They had kissed before.

Perhaps it was because he had almost lost her. He knew human, mortal life was like a flickering ember anyways- one breeze too strong would fizzle it out, but it was foreign to him to care for one of these weak flames.
Or in his case, to care for a human.

Looking at Nari, he admired everything about her. She wasn't perfect. Of course not. Humans weren't born to be perfect.
But he felt the imperfections were what made her perfect.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" Nari asked quickly, breaking the silence as Yeonjun turned away.
"You've got blood on your lip still. Tissues are on the table." Yeonjun explained, as Nari just sighed.

"Right. Of course." Nari said awkwardly, reaching for a tissue.
Yeonjun watched as she failed to wipe it away before yanking the tissue from her hand, and by cupping her cheek he held her face still as he wiped it away quickly, before giving her a gentle kiss, smirking.

"I wanted to do that." He grinned, as Nari's face flushed red before she turned away.
"You big flirt! I'm all red now." She grumbled, covering her face with her hands.

Nari stayed with Yeonjun until nightfall as she fell asleep on the couch. He figured she would be safe there - the others wouldn't hurt her, as under Soobin's rule anyone's mate was off limit. Well, she wasn't his mate yet, but it was obvious he wanted to mark her.

Yeonjun was just terrified of her reaction to what he was. Once she had been marked, compulsion wouldn't work anymore, from anyone other than him, anyways.
And she couldn't be enchanted by the wolves magic - that was the most important part.

He went for a wander around the block, the cool night breeze causing his hair to flush around his face.
Then his phone started to ring as he pulled it out.

"Soobin? Just where the hell have you been?" He said instantly, but the silence dawned on him.

"Hello, Yeonjun." Hyunjin's voice rang out. If Yeonjun's heart were able to beat, it would've stopped in that moment.

"Why do you have Soobin's phone?" Yeonjun said, his voice a low growl.

"Oh well I've got him hostage, you see. All of my friends have taken a bite at him. Ah, he's probably only got a few hours left. But we'll give him back to you, healed up with a vial of hybrid blood, if you give us the girl." Hyunjin explained, as Yeonjun just scowled.

"How can I trust you?" Yeonjun asked, as Hyunjin sighed.

"Unlike you deceiving leeches, a wolves word is absolute. You've got until dawn." And then he hung up, as Yeonjun put his phone back in his pocket, and rushed back to the house.

Nari was awake, chatting with Beomgyu before Yeonjun grabbed Beomgyu, and dragged him into the kitchen.

"We don't have much time. Hyunjin and his pack have Soobin. They'll give him back if we give them.." Yeonjun said hurriedly, motioning to the living room.

Beomgyu just frowned. "They'll mark her again."

"Not if I can help it. I'm going to tell her what I am. Right now. And mark her, so their magic won't work on her." Yeonjun said, as Beomgyu's frown only deepened.

"I could protect her with magic-"

"It's too risky. They could remove the spell. It's harder to remove a mark, isn't it?" Yeonjun spoke over the top of Beomgyu, as he just sighed.

"Yeah, I suppose. Good luck then." Beomgyu said, before stalking off back upstairs.

Yeonjun went and sat beside Nari.

"I need your honest reaction and feelings to this. So, forget all the compulsion on your emotions. They never happened." Yeonjun said, as Nari's heart fluttered in anxiety, the calmness that had been washing over her removed in an instant.

"Yeonjun, what's all this-" she started, but he held her wrist firmly.

"Nari, I have to tell you this. I.. we, the five of us, are vampires."

A scream of terror washed through the house in that cool night, washed away with the gentle breeze, as a crash was heard from inside.

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