75 | Porcelain.

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"Porcelain. the girl's white gazed porcelain chant, raced around the town like a wildfire, her plain beauty hid behind a curtain as men walked through the mountains just to kiss her hand, she hid shyly behind a white sheer sheet, the betrothed were found there half the time aswell." Daniyal narrated.

"Her name was forbidden to take in households, why so? her extraordinary voice made others resent her, only her voice yodeled through the hills and the field— the nightingale felt jealous, her voice so powerful."

The boy intervened, "How come she was resented?"

Daniyal released a low chuckle, "Khair'u'nissa was not obscene, and that's what ticked people off, they dirtied her name but her name held great promise of her powerful future, till now many men had loved her through her voice, but Khair'u'nissa behind the sheer curtains wondered— if anyone would ever love her behind the sheer curtains, she caressed her knuckles where men placed their lips on, leaving an impression on her."

The book was closed with a thump, as the teenager looked upto Daniyal with glistened eyes, applauding for him in the quiet foyer, "I like it— i mean i love it! how about you release this?"

Daniyal placed the book down, "Not at all."

"Why not? it'll be a total disaster to the other writers." the teenager claimed with a sulking tone, "I believe this should be hidden, just between the two of us, some treasures are better off hidden." Daniyal replied, standing up from the creaking chair.

"Now you've ought to get back to dusting the vase rack, and i need it spick and span, not a single dust particle." Daniyal ordered the boy, who laughed at his neat-freak self.

While Daniyal got back to his bureau, he turned on his television, keeping up with the daily horrors of the press.

"Blue-blooded aristocrat Naurez Zaidi stunned everyone at his Nouveau District unveiling ceremony, an awful footage was broadcasted which starred his late wife Roha Zaidi & Naurez in a heated argument." the anchor stated.

Daniyal immediately glanced over from his papers, not believing what he heard at first, then the realization hit, as soon as he reached over for his phone, it was already ringing loud and clear, "Hello—"

"If you're watching the news right now. i can explain." the whiny voice of Kiran spoke on the other end of the line, Daniyal exhales before speaking, "If you think it's necessary for you to read out a monologue of how much of a blithering douchebag your father is— then save it." Daniyal replied.

Kiran hummed, "It's my fault."

Daniyal's brows furrowed, he tried of thinking of all the possibilities of why Kiran would do such thing, but nothing could come to his mind, "Okay, now you certainly need to give me an explanation." Daniyal said.

"Meet me at Rochester, at seven sharp."


The car door shut, Kiran's eyes searched around for any kinds of press, her face wrapped around scarves as glasses sat around on her nose bridge even though it was about to fall dark any second soon, the hope of not being found lit in her heart.

Carefully, she walked in through the front giant doors, even the guards looked down at her, admiring her bravery to be out at the time when her father was getting stripped off his name, and Kiran knew every part of it.

She took a seat at one of the dining tables, far behind, she was excellent in making an effort of not being seen infront of anyone, eagerly awaiting for Daniyal to come by the doors any minute.

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