22 | Secretive.

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It takes Patience to listen. it takes skill to pretend you're listening, when things are exceptionally hard, there is a reason why they're hard.

She sat bored on her seat, staring out the window as she was the only one in class, her chin rested on her hands, her mind wandered off to somewhere.

Last night.

She might have gotten a good earful from her parents, but she had an amazing time with Naseem, he understood her and that is what made her feel warm from inside.

Her mind diverted to the topic of love— but she didn't have any feelings for him, she knew Kiran had a thing for Naseem and she didn't want to upset her.

While she was deep in her thoughts, someone slightly tapped her on the shoulder, she turned around to see Kiran.

A smile crept up her lips, "Hey Kiran—"

She stopped her words, Kiran had a 'I'm about to scream out of happiness' look on her face, Kainaat cocked a brow, "Are you okay?"

Kiran let out a sigh, biting her lips she slumped on the chair, "Kainaat i think i've never been this happy!" She squealed, clutching onto her chest, "What happened?—"

"Naseem is in love with me!"

Kainaat's face dropped, she couldn't get her words out, has Naseem confessed to her?

"What? did he confess it?" She asked, Kiran was too over the moon— she was ignoring Kainaat, she was in a world of her own, "No but i saw him near my locker and i think he's the one writing the letters!"

Kainaat's face dropped, "Huh? just because he was standing near your locker do you think he's been the one writing the letters? how stupid is that?" She said.

Kiran rolled her eyes, "Well first of all he was alone in the hallway and he was standing near my lockers later some students passed by and he hurriedly left— so it basically means he's the one."

Kainaat laughed making Kiran confused, "What are you laughing at?" she asked, Kainaat couldn't get a hold of herself, "You really believe that he's the so-called secret admirer just because he was standing near your locker? sounds ridiculous."

Kiran groaned, "I believe it, and he's probably going to ask me out soon." she said confidently, Kainaat nodded while listening to her list the things she loved about Naseem.


"I really love you Kainaat."

Hasnain repeated once again, hoping he would get better at pouring out his feelings for Kainaat, but Naseem cackling brought him back to reality.

He rolled his eyes, "Can you not laugh at me?"

Naseem held onto his stomach, "Sorry you just can't do it right!" He said, Hasnain sighed and sat down next to him.

He turned to him, "I want to tell her how much i love her and need her— but i just can't! i suck at this so much." He said, Naseem nudged him, "Don't rush it, just be chill as if you don't have any feelings towards her— be sly and she'll fall for you instantly."

"Kainaat already hates men like you, and you're asking me to be like you? crap." He said, Naseem chuckled, "Kainaat hates me because she knows i'm out her league."

Hasnain pushed him, "Shut up, i bet you dream about her aswell." Naseem nodded, Hasnain jokingly smacked him, "Don't even go near Kainaat." He said.

"Don't worry you six foot giant i won't, i'm not into girls like her anyway." He said yawning, he nodded and then saw Kainaat walking towards the Library.

He got up, "Hey lover boy we have to go for the warm up right now, there's no time for aashiqui." Naseem said, "I don't care if the coach punishes me, i'll be right back after meeting Kainaat!" He said and sprinted right before Naseem could say anything.

He watched as Kainaat smiled as she saw Hasnain and how they walked together chatting away happily.

Last night, when he held Kainaat in his arms and he walked her home together, his insides felt warm and relaxed and he felt like living again.

But stubborn him, he wouldn't admit it.

Oh how he wish, he could love someone the way Hasnain loved Kainaat, he hated when he tried searching for her in every girl, no one was like her yet he still never gave up his love.

He looked down, gently stroking the locket while staring at it, she has the key.

The key to my heart.

He kissed it and stood up, walking around finding Shadab, god damn he was gone for a while.


He turned around when someone called his name, he furrowed his brows to see a cheerful Kiran standing there, "Hi?"

Kiran walked over towards him, "Hey Naseem— have you seen the prom posters scattered all around the school?" She questions, Naseem nodded.

"I have no date, so i was wondering if you would want to be my prom date?" She asked, biting her bottom lips nervously.

Naseem thought for a while.

"Sorry Kiran, i'm in no mood of going to prom." He casually shrugged, he had noticed Kiran's facial expression change to a sulking one, as he was about to walk away she stopped him again.

"Are you going with Kainaat?"

That question made Naseem stop in his tracks, he turned around with a questionable look on his face, "No i'm not? why'd you ask?" Kiran's arms drop low, "Cause you seem to be close with Kainaat." She said.

Naseem felt uncomfortable, "I'm close with her because i like her as a person— and why are you asking me about Kainaat?" He questions, coming closer to her, towering over her.

Kiran looked like she was about to burst, Naseem noticed the nervousness in her, but she looked like she wanted to let out something but hesitated to do so.

She finally spoke up, "You have feelings for her don't you?" Naseem chuckled at the question unexpectedly making Kiran dumbfounded.

"What makes you think i like her?" He asked, she stood there with a dumb blonde bitch look on her face as Naseem described, "It j-just seemed like it." She replied and walked away.

He rubbed his lip, "Something is up with her."

Euphoria | Naseem Shah.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें