37 | Pictures.

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Cuddle Hormone.

I sat there on her bed, tightly hugging her knees as she clutched onto her chest, explaining the situation, i ended up blocking the number from her phone as i tried diverting her mind.

My phone dinged, i turned to it and so did she, "Naseem i think you have a notification." She said, i ignored it, "Let it be, i'll check it later." I said.

She shook her head, "No please check it now, incase it's an emergency." I sighed and did what she said, i clicked on the notification and my eyes widened.

Kainaat's half-naked picture was uploaded on the school page.

She noticed my reaction, i looked up and immediately threw away my phone, "Naseem what was that?" She asked, i stuttered, "It's nothing forget it."

She started breathing heavily again, "Naseem is that what i think it is? i promise i won't freak out just show me please!" She ranted, unfortunately she got a hold of my phone and scrolled through it.

I realized i had fucked up by letting her see the picture, but she remained calm surprisingly, as if she hadn't been wetting my shirt with her tears a few moments ago.

She put the phone down, calmly pushing her hair backwards and tied it up, "You okay Kainaat?" I asked, she nodded and wiped her eyes, i bit my lip and pulled her in for another hug.

"It's okay, this'll be gone soon."

Kainaat nodded, "I'm just afraid to go to school tomorrow, everyone will give me disgusted looks, Naseem my body is on the school page!— this isn't a small issue!" She said.

I sighed and looked down, the one thing i didn't tell her was that i had seen the bruises and the scars on her body, it was so deep and they looked fresh.

I didn't confront her because i knew, Kainaat was a sensitive girl, and i was worried for her, what had she done to herself?

She never told me about this— she never even mentioned it, my mind kept wandering off to the scars on her chest and upper body, i couldn't get the picture out of my mind, it was roaming around in my mind like a picture.

But i knew, no matter what.

I would have to protect Kainaat, from everything.

After a good minute of her crying her eyes out, i made her lean against the bed, "Don't worry, just have a good sleep and we'll get this done with tomorrow— i'll hunt down the person who did this, i promise you Kainaat." I whispered to her.

Her eyes remained shut, and after a few minutes she had gone into a deep slumber, stroking her locks a little bit, and before kissing her head as a goodbye, i got up.

Slowly pulling the duvet over her, and tucking her in, she didn't move and i left her room, quietly making my way down the steps, someone cleared their throat beside me and i stopped in my tracks.

I turned around, to see her mom standing there.

"You scared me there Miss— Miss uhm?" I stuttered as i didn't know her surname as i forgot it, she smiled, "Miss Simran, or maybe even Dutt." She said.

I nodded, "Is Kainaat asleep?"

"Ah yes, she's asleep— she fell in a deep slumber while we were talking." I nervously spoke, it was quite awkward standing there with Kainaat's mother, who was beautiful.

Kainaat got her good looks—

Woah Woah, why am i talking about her mother like that? control yourself Naseem, i mentally smacked my head, "Has Kainaat been stressed these days?" She questions, out of the blue.

I pretended to be curious, "I don't know really."

She came closer to me, my breath got stuck in my
throat as i couldn't look her in the eye, "Naseem, let me make a deal, you tell me how or what Kainaat's doing in school— basically spying but as her mother i have the right to know what goes on in her life." She spoke.

My brows furrowed, "And i need you to do that job for me." I stood there, dumbfounded, would Kainaat be alright with this? does she not tell her mom about this stuff?

She cocked a brow, "You up for that?"

I crossed my arms, "Why exactly are you asking me to do that job for you? why not Hasnain or Haider? strange." I said, she sighed.

"You seem different."

I wanted to ask her what she meant by that, but i decided to let it go, "But would Kainaat be okay with that? i mean she already hates me."

Her mother sighed, "Kainaat's my baby, she's the reason why i live, but she's sensitive and doesn't tell me alot of stuff, so i need you to watch her at school and keep track of her, i have other jobs for you too."

How would she know? my day doesn't start without seeing her daughter.

I rubbed my chin, "You'll pay me?"

She nodded, "Yes i will, and her father is in on this too, you'll be his little worker to do the stuff he couldn't do for his daughter, since he's busy."

I nodded, "Okay i'm up for it, you're lucky Miss that you have Kainaat as your daughter, i'm ready to do anything for her." I replied, she laughed, "I can spot the fact that you're in love with her."

My eyes widened, "Alright you know it, now i'll take my leave Miss— Simran." I whispered and waved her goodbye before leaving out the house.

Holy crap, this house is filled with gorgeous women.

I sat in my car and drove away from the driveway, tapping a rhythm on the steering wheel as i couldn't stop thinking of her, a vein popped in my forehead as i thought of someone putting up Kainaat's body on the school page.

Whoever the fuck this is, i'll make sure to make them suffer great pain.

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