72 | Monstrous.

70 5 3

The running water stopped flowing, Naseem placed his hand against the wall, rubbing his red eyes right after, water droplets slowly sliding down his well-built frame, as he searched around for a towel.

Showers always helped take his mind off things, specially when his heart felt heavy, after dressing himself up, he threw the towel back around his neck, opening the door and exiting.

His room was a mess, even after Kainaat had complained and urged him to be a lot more tidier, but he simply wouldn't listen, Naseem sighed and looked around for his phone.

Naseem had promised Kainaat he would call her tonight, it had been a while since the pair had made any contact, Kainaat was busy with her weekly checkups— not forgetting to mention, her paranoid mother.

But he couldn't find his phone, which was strange as he had placed it on his desk, he frantically rummaged through his drawers until he heard a hoarse voice from behind.

"Looking for this?"


"Ubaid this isn't funny, give it back—"

Before i could turn around and get a good look at where the voice was coming from, a kitchen knife passed right through my head, collapsing against the wall, my eyes widened.

I turned around in a state of shock, to see the person who aimed it at me, just to be faced with a man wearing all black, before i could manage to move, he pounced on me with the elegance of a tiger.

The whole situation had me trapped, the man pushed me onto my bed, as my back made contact with the bed in a hard manner, he wrapped his large fingers around my neck, hard enough to make his knuckles turn white.

I dug my nails in his forearms in an attempt to get him off of me— but i failed miserably, he was much more larger and aggressive than me, he managed to cut my airway for a second, as i sputtered and choked for air, until i kicked with all the energy i had.

A small object slid to the other side to where the door was, i caught my breath and looked over to see my phone, the man groaned in pain, holding his groin.

I thought of getting to my phone first, until the man was back up on his feet, staring at me through the mask he had on, that covered everything but his eyes.

Red. i saw red in his eyes.

Once again, the man positioned his dagger up in the air, preparing to stab me at any given moment, in the blink of an eye, he pounced— "Fuck!"

I got away, by rolling over off the bed, i watched as his dagger made it's way inside of the bed mattress, he released a loud scream once again, struggling to pull his dagger back up.

But i didn't look left or right, before running over to where my phone had dropped from his hand, i extended my hand out to my phone, but suddenly i was kicked in the face, losing my vision for awhile.

Everything went black and burry for two slight seconds, in those two seconds i felt two hard kicks in my chest and abdomen, but i couldn't scream, nothing came out of my mouth.

My eyes shot open the exact moment, i felt my body being dragged outside of my room, even with the smallest bolt of energy in me, i thought fast and knocked my knuckles into the man's calves, making him release a loud growl.

Their loud panting filled my ears, i wasn't sure if they actually panicked or were just loud in general— but i wasn't fully in my consciousness, all i needed was to run out of that place.

I landed one great punch in a minute, and there were loud groans releasing in a minute, as i watched when the man struggling under me, tried pushing me off but i had locked my calves on his sides.


While Naseem managed to tackle one of the men to the ground, violently punching in every part of his upper area, what he didn't know was something horrible about to come at him from

His life flashed before his eyes, as he felt a stinging sensation in the left arm, the punching stopped, Naseem slowly panted and turned to his side, just to see the dagger injected into his arm.

Naseem's eyes shut tightly while he took in the excruciating pain inflicting upon his body, he felt hands wrap around his neck as they threw him onto the ground.

His eyes could barely open at this point, the attack on him was merciless, even though he couldn't manage to keep his eyes open, Naseem noticed the men standing over him, in a monstrous gesture.

Naseem blinked a few times and looked over to his side, noticing a piece of glass that might've shattered due to all of the damage in the room done by the masked men, without a second thought—

He stabbed the men's knee with the glass, his scream filled the entire room as it rang in Naseem's ear because of how loud it was, he watched as the man was on the ground once again.

Immediately, Naseem reached for his phone before the other masked man could throw himself on him once again, "Motherfucker!" the man growled as Naseem escaped from his grip.

While on the other hand, even with a dagger still stuck inside his left arm, Naseem quickly ran down the stairs, slightly struggling to run, he laid his hands on the little plate that contained his car keys.

In a quick second, heavy footsteps were heard from the side, he turned around and saw the man running towards him at full speed, Naseem turned back around before making a run for it too.

The sensible thing he could do right now, was run out of the house instead of fighting back, it was for his own safety.

Naseem threw himself in the car, locking the door after him, he came in contact to see the man rushing in his own car which he interpreted was to chase after him, he started the car and drove out of the driveway, not caring to look behind.

While he was still injured, Naseem dialed the only person he knew would pick up, "Hasnain?" Naseem said, "What happened?— why are you panting so heavily?" Hasnain answered.

"Look, all i need you to do is listen, i've just been attacked— and.. well i'm getting chased by one of them, do me a favor and call the police, shit! i've got to go, i'll call you back." Naseem told him everything in a frantic manner.

"What?! Naseem— don't hang up!" Hasnain was cut off when Naseem hung up the phone, leaving him in extreme distress but he did what Naseem asked him to do, call the police.

Naseem drifted through the cars, continuously looking in the rear-view mirror to see the same car chasing after him like no tomorrow, the pain in his body rose to another level but he remained calm and continued driving in an inhumane pace.

But the car never seemed to take eyes off of Naseem's car, they were desperate to get their hands on Naseem, even though they were dangerously close to crashing the car at any given moment.

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