Lord Liege's Desire

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Chapter 71

Bai Yang Liu
Drakko Palace

"Lord Liege! I am going insane and losing my mind being locked in this suffocating palace! Why will you not let me go see Li Lian?" Yang Liu screamed into the abyss of darkness. "No one will speak with me. They hate me."

Lord Liege abducted her a week after the woman who was betrothed to him had passed on. She was said to be a kind lady, though Lord Liege had not regarded her as his or acted upon the betrothal called upon by his father, who had also passed on. She had acted as Lordess Liege, taking on the duties of caring for the people and the palace. And that caused people to see her as their befitting Lordess, even though not officiated as one.

When the Lordess was befallen with sickness, the Lord Liege had the capacity to do something about it, or better yet, at least take her to the Furians where they had many specialties to heal people. However, he chose to watch her die.

"Death should not be cheated. We shall all die," he had dismissed the Lordess' plea for help.

The Drakko, instead of blaming it on their beloved leader, took their anger on the mistress brought in the week after their Lordess' death, which was her, Yang Liu.

Her maids offered assistance begrudgingly and responded to conversation with not more than a word. It came to a point that Yang Liu had never experienced immense loneliness more than in the previous two months.

"Lord Liege!" she begged.

Yang Liu had known from the first day she woke up that she was in Furia. How could she not? It was in the air, the sky, and the mood. Without a doubt, Furia was jovial and brighter than Nevoria.

"If you will not let me see Li Lian, then come out and keep me company!" Yang Liu vented, but no response came except the hooting of owls.

Yang Liu had never laid eyes on the Lord Liege. From the day she woke, he stayed cooped in the abyss of cultivation. She did not know what he wanted with her except what her maids had shared, "You are his mistress."

If she wanted to speak to him, she was to visit the abyss, the vault of endless darkness that lay two li (1km) from the Drakko Palace.

Yang Liu was only allowed to speak from the entrance, alongside the chaperone of one of the palace guards. A few feet into the abyss, it was said she would disappear and never be found again. Only those with enough power to make them worthy could enter and leave the deepness of the abyss.

Speaking into the abyss was not her first. When she did not like the clothes they put on her, she came and ranted about how she needed to be allowed to wear what she wanted. Thereafter did the maids let her instruct the seamstress on what to make for her.

Yang Liu had gone back to the abyss to ask for more over the past two months, treating the place like a wishing well. Some things were not granted as probably the person in the abyss, Lord Liege, was not in agreement. Seeing Li Lian had been one of them since it was the fourth time she was asking for it.

"All I need is a friend... please." Those were her last words before she departed.

Abduction was her curse. This was the second time some man was taking her away without her consent. All she could do was count her days, waiting for her brother to realize it and come for her. He always did.

"Congratulations, Mistress, you shall see your friend today," her maid stated the following morning as she woke up.

"I can?" Yang Liu squealed excitedly.

Anyone to talk to, just anyone to converse with could she take. Quickly, she bathed and dressed the fastest she had ever done and ran out to the carriage. Dozens of uniformed men surrounded the carriage but she did not care. They could give her all the security, but as long as she got to walk out of the stony cold palace, she could take it.

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