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Translation Notes

(i)Suona is the Chinese trumpet.
(ii)Fenghuang means the phoenix.

Chapter 47

Wei Li Lian
Princess Elora
Her Highness Wei

For years upon years, the day Li Lian would be wed to the emperor of Nevoria, Bai Shen Hong, had always been a nightmare. She had despised him as she felt he ruined her life by merely existing. Her life was the epitome of devising a plan to enter the palace, and she, being the venom that would take the life of the untouchable dragon.

"Yin and yang,
The sun has the moon
The dragon has the phoenix
The empire of Nevoria has become prosperous!"

What awoke Li Lian were songs from the palace musicians that started at the crying of the rooster. They blew the suona and clapped their hands as they marched around the palace in celebration.

The first ritual, she was to be subjected to was the bathing ritual. Court Lady Ai and the rest of the entourage dressed her in pure white satin robes prepared exclusively for that ritual, though after bathing she would put on a similar golden robe to illustrate "the risen phoenix".

Her current robe had an accompanying plain white veil as no one was publicly allowed to see her until the emperor unveiled her.

"Ready, Your Highness?" Ai asked as they stood by the exit of the Phoenix Palace, ready to step out and attend the bathing ritual in Hougong.


She stepped out onto the platform.

"Good morning to Her Highness, our rising phoenix that will bring glory to the nation of Nevoria. Well wishes for the wedding to the dragon of Nevoria! Rule us with benevolence and we, your subjects, the Inner Court, will follow you!"

All of the Inner Court, maid or mistress, were lined before the platform of the Phoenix Palace. Mistresses standing in rank, from Noble Consort Qi to the lowest, bowed their heads while their maids knelt behind them.

"Thank you, you may rise," Li Lian permitted.

She couldn't help observing the Noble Consort Qi, who appropriately appeared as if it was any other day where all was well, yet everyone knew her demise was fast approaching. It was expected that days after the wedding, she was to be disposed of for giving her heart to an eunuch. Yuwen Hong had instructed Noble Consort Qi to be present at the ceremonies so as to not raise rumors and talk on the wedding day.

The ritual of bathing consisted of four bathes. Li Lian was to be bathed in milk, soap, steam, and lastly the flowers. These would respectively purify, cleanse, burn away, and fragrance. However, before that, Yuwen Hong had to unveil her.

She found him waiting for her at the entrance of the bathing encampment set behind Hougong. He stood in all his glory, golden robes, but without much accessory as he would go back to the Dragon Palace for his own bathing ritual. However, his would not be detailed as hers as he was already the dragon: soap and steaming only.

Li Lian caught sight of the palace painters located a mere distance from him. She had left some at the Phoenix Palace, finishing the drawings that captured her as she stepped onto the platform for the greetings of the Inner Court. Throughout the day, she would find them at all places as they were to record everything they got their own eyes. The paintings were to go down history as picture evidence of what the day consisted of.

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