♡ Part - 32 ♡

Start from the beginning

His heartbeat thundered in his chest as embarrassment washed over him like a tidal wave. He swiftly turned away, a squeak escaping his lips as he accidentally collided with the door, leading to his less-than-graceful tumble to the floor. The towel that had clung to his waist came undone in the fall, leaving him feeling utterly exposed. Every moment seemed to stretch into eternity as he grappled with the sheer mortification of the situation.

The mixture of embarrassment and mortification was palpable, every nuance of his distress apparent in his posture and expression.

Just as panic threatened to consume him, a pair of reassuring hands encircled him. He looked up, eyes widening in surprise as Yoongi's warm touch anchored him.

The warmth of Yoongi's touch acts as a lifeline amidst the sea of humiliation. He was lifted effortlessly and carried with a tenderness that contrasted the awkwardness of the moment.

Swiftly lifted into Yoongi's arms, Jimin found himself laid gently on the bed. The tenderness of the gesture contrasted with the absurdity of the situation, leaving him feeling an odd mixture of vulnerability and security.

Laid gently on the bed, Jimin felt a mixture of vulnerability and gratitude. His eyes met Yoongi's, and for a fleeting second, the unspoken understanding between them quelled some of his embarrassment. He pulled the blanket around himself as if seeking refuge within its folds.

"Are you hurt somewhere?" Yoongi's voice was laced with genuine concern, his gaze soft and attentive as he checked for any signs of injury.

The concern in Yoongi's voice was undeniable as he inquired about Jimin's well-being. It was a display of care that Jimin hadn't fully anticipated, and his cheeks burned anew at the depth of Yoongi's concern.

Still reeling from the embarrassment, Jimin covered himself with the blanket, his voice barely audible as he murmured, "Please go outside." His tone was a blend of shyness, embarrassment, and the desperate need for a moment of privacy.

"Okay, take your time. Change your clothes, and please take care. I'll be outside." Yoongi's response was kind and understanding. With that, Yoongi left the room, giving Jimin the space he needed.

Left alone, Jimin released a sigh of relief. The weight of embarrassment still clung to him, but he gradually regained his composure. He swallowed down his discomfort, mustering up the courage to face the situation. With determined steps, he moved to retrieve his clothes, his movements a mix of vulnerability and determination.

Jimin's face flushed, his embarrassment almost suffocating him. The weight of the situation was pressing on his chest, threatening to make him burst into tears at any moment. He found himself replaying the mortifying scene over and over in his mind, wishing he could erase it from existence.

"Oh my goodness, what have I done?" he thought, his heart racing.

"He saw me naked... How can I ever face him again?" he berated himself, his inner voice a chorus of self-doubt.

His distress was palpable, the urge to cry simmering dangerously close to the surface. He clenched his hands into fists as if holding onto some semblance of control. He yearned for an escape, for the ground to split open and swallow him whole, saving him from the impending humiliation.

But reality tethered him; he was bound to face his husband, the one who had witnessed his awkwardness firsthand.

"I can't do anything. I have to face him, after all, he's my husband," he reasoned, the internal battle raging. A desperate plea echoed in his mind.

"Oh my fucking god, give me some courage and strength". It was a plea that resonated with his deepest fears and anxieties. With a determined exhale, he willed himself to calm down.

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