"Just join us and have a chat, no need to mope and hiss like a deranged cat over here when you clearly want to join us," I teased and she gave me a crazy-eyed look. Uh oh. I think I spoke too much.

"Alright fine! Since I won today, I'm feeling nice," she insisted but I knew better. I just laughed and dragged her by the hand, not giving her a chance to speak. I dragged her to where Charles and Pierre were taking and we were immediately greeted by them.

Pierre handed her a glass of champagne and she smiled in delight. "I think the only thing she's nice to is anything that contains alcohol," I commented and Charles let out a loud laugh then said, "I second that."

"Shut up Leclerc before I step on you," she warned but Charles just shrugged and filled up his champagne flute. Artemis glared at him and Pierre commented, "Stop before you turn him on."

"As if I can trust your idea of intimacy when you date children," she snapped and Pierre raised his brow at her, "Is she being serious right now? Kika is not a child."

"Don't mind her, she's just always like that," Charles explained, downing his champagne in one go, "She's who I have to deal with all the time."

"I thought you liked her?," Pierre asked Charles who just shrugged and said, "To a certain extent."

I watched Charles with narrowed eyes. Throughout this entire conversation, he can't even look at Artemis. What is wrong with him? I continued to observe and watched as his eyes glazed over Artemis while she drank.

I sense trouble brewing.

"This is getting boring," Artemis complained, "How about we play a drinking game, so I can grill all of you bitches both on track and off track."

Everyone seemed to pipe up to her suggestion considering how everyone's heads poked out to listen to her. The interesting heads in particular were Charles and Carlos, eyeing her like hawks ready to take her when they're given the moment to do so.

I do not like this at all. Charles and Carlos used to be so close but it seems to me that every single day that passes by is a step further away from each other.

Everybody gathered in a massive circle around the dance floor of the rented club, cross sitting of course. We all watched as she handed beers to all of us. Then finally took her own and sat down, smack dab in the middle between Charles and Carlos.

Does she know what she's doing or is she just on the drunker side of things.

"So what's the game? I just sort of followed along," Fernando said as he already took a sip of his beer. Artemis chuckled and explained, "Dare or drink is the game, it's pretty simple. A person chooses someone to give a dare to and if that chosen person decides to not do or cannot do the dare, they have to drink one bottle of beer. After that they get to choose someone to give a dare to."

"Everybody is going to be hungover tomorrow, thank god we don't have a race," Lewis said, but I knew he was just making this excuses to not reveal that he was no lightweight when it came to alcohol.

Artemis laughed and said, "Alright then, I'll start."

"Lando," she said, her eyes staring at me like daggers preparing to stab, "I dare you to sit on Max's lap for the rest of the game."

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