Chapter 11: Reaching out

Start from the beginning

"I know, I know. Drop it at the front desk." You smiled at Rusel and hoisted the box of baked goods into you arms. He smiled softly and turned back to taking the morning stock of the shop.

You walked out into the morning sun of the peaceful village that you reside in, Hateno.

Some villagers waved at you as you ride by with Snow, some said hello, but it was the children who often followed you on your route, begging for even a crumb of cake. 

It was the same as every other day.

There was a comfort to the unchanging nature of the small village in them before. It was predictable. Nothing was permanent of course, but you could always count on Peter or Groose gossiping next to the shop, or some guy pining for Ilia, or moments like this when the village children hang on your for sweets at 7 AM.

As You  approached the front steps of the inn, You snuck Mayor Bo an apple danish for him and the other kids to split. It always brings you  joy to see the smile on their faces when they try your sweets. It's always the feeling of joy, you making someone's day, even if it's something as small as this.

"Morning delivery!"

"Ah! (Y/N), welcome! You can just leave the pastries in the kitchen like usual, dear." Bo said with a warm smile as you climbed the steps toward the door.

"Thank you!" You pushed the door open with your hip and greeted Ilia at the front desk.

"(Y/n), Good Morning!" she exclaimed with her usual bright smile.

"Morning," You smiled back, and adjusted my grip on the box of goodies. "Kitchen?"

"Yep, you know the drill! I'll be back there in a few to help you unpack, I just have a wake up call and a checkout to take care of."

"Take your time! Don't rush for little old me." You  jokingly bob your eye lashes at her, making her laugh and roll her eyes, nudging you gently toward the kitchen door. Ilia went upstairs to take care of business so you did the same, placing the big crate on the ground in front of the kitchen table, starting to unpack it.

After a few seconds, you  started to zone out and look out the window at the small town in front of you. People started to rise out of bed and begin their work for the day, and the wind pushed around the leaves on the apple trees in the town square. 

This little town maybe a bit boring at times, but you could never deny the peace it held in its dirt paths and red roofs. Boring meant peaceful, peaceful meant safe.


You quietly chuckled to yourself at the thought, just as Ilia walked through the door.

"Hey, what's so funny?"

"Oh, nothing. Just the children. I'll never understand how they have so much energy this early." you brushed off the question lamely, ignoring her puzzling gaze.

She seemed to shrug off any suspicion and helped me unpack the box of baked goods.

"So what's on your mind?" She prompted, causing you to turn towards her, confused.

"What do you mean?"

"You would usually have at least half of this box on the table by now. Something's up. Talk to me."

You sighed and paused briefly, haphazardly wrapping your hair in a  ponytail. Ilia kept her eyes on you the whole time. "It's......" you paused and huffed, rubbing your face quickly before continuing. "It's really nothing. It's dumb-"

"It's Link again, isn't it?"

 You felt your heart aching at the pointed question, shaking your head. " What?! No! Why would it be Link, I don't care about him anymore, we cut our ties. I even gave up being the Dragon-Phoenix Champion. I'm not  the Cosmo Princess of the Asteria kingdom anymore, I'm a villager now. Besides I haven't even seen him in like, what? 8 months? It's clearly over. He doesn't care about me. I still think he's going to kill me the next time we meet. So why should I think of him?"

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