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Walking down the alleyway things start to change. Just as Seraphina had said.

"Things will start to change Joeline. That is the kind of magic that messes with your head." The words of the darkened princess ring in Joeline's ears. She keeps walking and becomes more and more dizzy. So dizzy she feels the world around her is spinning. Her head is pounding as she rushes toward the floor.

Except she doesn't hit the ground. She keeps spinning as if she's doing flips. But at the same time, she wasn't moving at all. Charlie finally catches up to her.

"Joey! Hey, you will never believe what just happened." He puts his hands on her shoulders and shook her. Her knees buckle and now the only thing holding Joeline up is Charlie.

"Woah, Joe? You okay?" He only now notices the distant look in her eyes and how pale her skin is. Head throbbing, Joeline tries to steady herself against him only to fail miserably and come crumbling down to the hard concrete. She hears what she thinks is Charlie's gasp of panic.

For Joeline, it is quiet. Silent. She can't hear Charlie's worried muttering or Seraphina's voice in her ears anymore. She can't see anything around her. Everything is a disfigured version of what it should be. Colors swim around her and Charlie's lips stop moving. A loud pop and Joeline's ears were functional again.

"Joe?" He whispers, concern still prominent in his eyes. He doesn't know. Joeline thinks.

"You need to get out of here." She mutters to him, looking around anxiously as if something could hear her.

Suddenly, sirens. All around her. She can't see where they're coming from, but she can hear them.

"Run!" She screams. She tries to stand and tumbles again to the ground.

"Joey, if you seriously think I'm going to leave you here, you clearly don't know me very well," Charlie speaks with absolute certainty. Joey sees the look in his eyes that tells her that he's not changing his mind.

"Fine," Joeline speaks sharply. She forces herself upward with a grunt and pushes Charlie backward.

"Joey!" Charlie stumbles and ends up a few feet away from Joeline.

"Go. Now Charlie." Joeline slides back down to the floor, out of breath.

"Why Joe? What are you not telling me?" Charlie's voice fills with anger now. Joeline can almost see the smoke pouring out of his ears.

"She put shadows in my brain Charlie! That's what happened! It was either you or me!" Joeline finally breaks. She has been carrying it all for much too long. The anger in Charlie's eyes fades to fear.

"B-but she doesn't have any powers!" He exclaims, racking his brain for any plausible explanation.

"It doesn't matter now anyway. I won't be alive to see her use them again. Now go! Before I forget who you are and do something I'll regret." Joeline's voice is thick and she's holding back tears.

Charlie shakes his head in denial. His best friend couldn't die. He couldn't allow it. But he knows this is out of his control. He backs away slowly, still shaking his head. Suddenly he turns and runs out of the alley, tears streaming down his face, never for her to see. 

Hey! It's been a little while. I went to a writing camp and now I have so much inspiration I don't even know what to do with it. Expect a bunch of new scenes sometime in the near future. (Some of them including characters that aren't Charlie and Joeline)

A Bunch of Random Scenes I Wrote for My Book(s)Where stories live. Discover now