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Willow's POV :

Once I got to Embry's house I when inside to find out only his mother was home. "Hey." I said while taking off my shoes by the front door. "Hey Honey you hungry I made soup." "No, thank you. I think I'm gonna shower and head to bed." She nodded turning back to watching her show. I walked upstairs showered, changed, and walk into Embry's room. He till wasn't home I looked at my phone seeing that he did read my message but didn't respond. I put my phone on the charger and just laid down in his bed crawling up in a ball cause it's was kinda cold in the room. I fell asleep after a while. After about an hour I felt someone tapping me. I slowly rubbed my eye and looked up. It was Embry I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and moved myself to his lap. "Hey princess. I'm sorry I didn't respond to you Sam had us working all day." Embry whispered in my ear. "It's ok." I looked at him then his hair. "Why is your hair so wet?" "I just got out the shower." I nodded and put head back into his neck. He chuckled "Princess can I lay down first?" I moved off his lap and waited until he laid down then I quickly moved into his chest holding onto his shirt. He chuckled again then wrapped his arms around me.

The next morning Embry was sleeping in bed next to me. I slowly got up trying not to wake up then when to the bathroom to brush my teeth. While I was washing my face I felt Embry's arm around my waist. "Why you leave?" He asked me sleepy. "I had to use the bathroom and it's 9 in the morning." I giggled. "Can you come back to bed. Please?" Embry started to kiss my neck softly. My neck is pretty sensitive so I quickly turned around. "Ok fine I'll lay down with you for a little longer." He smiled and held my hand while walking back to his room. Once I laid down Embry move himself into my chest wrapped his arms around my waist. I played with his hair for a little while before falling asleep after him.

I woke up to my phone ringing from the night stand. Embry was still sleeping which made me wonder if he was ok. I slowly leaned over and grab my phone. It was Rosalie I picked it up "Hey Willow when are you coming over." " I'll be over in a little just give me a couple minutes." "Alright , see you later." Rosalie hang up and I put my phone back on the table. I looked down at Embry and put my hand on cheek. "Embry" I softly said while rubbing my thumb on his cheek. Embry opened his eyes looking at me with a smile that made him look like a little puppy. "I gotta go to the Cullen's again." "Why" his smile quickly disappeared. I climb over him and stood up. "I told them I would help in the fight too." I said nervously while playing with my fingers. "No I want you to stay a Emily's place." Embry said quickly standing in front of me. "I'm actually really good a fight and plus I can turn invisible." I turned invisible so I can prove a point. "Huh? How do you do that?" I turned back "I actually don't know but Carlisle helped me and yesterday I was able to take Rosalie down!" I told him excited. "Willow I don't want you getting hurt." "I won't you'll be there to have my back and I'll have your." I looked up at him with puppy eyes. He sighed "Fine but when the fight happens you are not leaving my side." "I promise!" I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. He wrapped his arms around my waist "Wow your gonna leave for half of the day and only give me a kiss on the cheek." I smiled and gave him a long passionate kiss on the lips.

I put my hair up then I changed into some athletic clothes. While I was doing my hair Embry gave me a kiss on the cheek then left to go with the pack. Once I was finished with everything I walked to my truck and left. Half way realizing I forgot to eat something again. I got the Cullen's house seeing Esme waiting by the door. "Esme can you please make me some pancakes again!!" I asked her giving her puppy eyes. "Of course Willow. Today you'll be practicing outside with Jasper." I nodded and sat down on a stool watching her cook. After I ate the pancakes I when outside with Jasper and Emmett. After about two hours of just working on my jumping ability and the whole turning invisible. We started working on basic combat moves. Fighting with Jasper was a LOT harder then fighting with Rosalie. For like the fifth time now I through this time I'll just stay on the floor. "Bunny? You good?" Emmett asked walking up to me. I was done and tired I put my arms up telling him I wanna be picked up. "You big baby" Emmett picked me. Emmett was like a big teddy bear just cold like really cold. "Willow you excited, tomorrow we train with the pack." I eyes when wide "shoot I forgot about that! But I mean I guess I am".

  As we walked back inside the home Esme walked out. "Willow it's pretty late I think you should just stay here and come with us to see the pack tomorrow." Esme said as we walked in. I got off of Emmett "Do you guys actually have a bed I can sleep in?" I asked kinda making a joke. Emmett looked me with an "are you seriously face", which made me laugh. "Willow we do have a bed in the guest bedroom upstairs, Bella slept over once." Esme said. I nodded my head and followed her upstairs. As we walked in the room there a king size bed, books all along one wall, walk in closet, huge bathroom, and a cute desk area. "Damn! This room is better than my living room." I yelled quite shocked about everything. Emmett laughed at me while Roselle walked and stood in front of him. "Don't laugh me!! It's actually really beautiful in here!" I yelled at Emmett. "Thank you, I designed the area" Esme said with a huge smile on her face. "Well I'm going to start making dinner, you get comfortable in here Willow." Esme told while walking away. I looked down and noticed how messy I was. "Hey Roselle do you have any clothes I can borrow, please." I asked. "Yeah I'll be right back." Roselle said and not even a second later she was back. She handed me a pair of shorts and a long sleeves. I grabbed the clothes from her and started walking to the bathroom. "Thank you Roselle!!" I said while closing the door and hearing a faint "Mhm".

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